How to Tell when to Replace Car Tires

How to Tell when to Replace Car Tires Auto Repair

It is extremely important to make sure your car’s tires are functioning properly at all times. This means knowing when it’s time to replace them.  There are many indicators that will give you guidance as to when tires need to be replaced.  Up-to-date tires will not only keep your car running smoothly, but may also save your life by providing the necessary traction for safe driving.  Read on for more information on how to tell when to replace car tires.

Checking the quality of your tires

–  Use the tire’s thread wear bars.  These indicators are installed into most tires and are invisible.  They become visible where the rubber has been worn down to a certain point.  These bars are usually diagonal bars that appear on the tire.

–  Use a penny.  Take a penny and place it upside down in the thread with Lincoln’s head facing you.  If you cannot see any of the hair on the top of Lincoln’s head, you are good to go and you do not need to worry about replacing your tires.  If you can see some of the hair on Lincoln’s head, it is time to look up coupons and shop around for car tires.  If you are to the point where you can see the very top of Lincoln’s head or beyond, your tires are a hazard and you need to replace them immediately.

–  Use a tread depth indicator or gauge.  This is an easy and accurate way to measure you tire treads.  If you have a gauge, you can measure the treads on your own, or you can stop by your local automotive store and they might even check your tire treads for free.  Check out this tire tread gauge for some do-it-yourself guidance.

To get a professional opinion and to have your tires changed, use TalkLocal to connect you for free to a professional in your area today.

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