How to Remove Tree Sap from my Car

How to Remove Tree Sap from my Car Auto Repair

If you park your car under a pine tree, then you may find a sticky tree sap substance on the exterior of your car. Read more to learn how to remove tree sap from your car.

There are several household products than can be used to remove this tree sap. One thing you can do is to use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to remove it. Afterwards, make a solution of water and baking soda to make a paste, and then clean the remaining area and apply wax to shine it over.

You can also use a paint brush cleaner made of household findings like bacon grease or leftover lard. This can release the stickiness immediately and make removing the sap a quick fix. Be sure to wash off the grease with a soapy solution, and apply a final wax to the car’s surface.

You can also purchase wax and grease-removing products from your nearest car supply store. Use a soft towel or terry towel, both which can lessen the impact of scratching the paint.

If the tree sap has set in for an extended period of time, it may be a bit more difficult to remove.  You should let these mixtures sit in for longer on the surface, and be sure not to use heavy pressure when rubbing or scrubbing, as to avoid scratching the paint. After wiping the sap away, it is recommended to finish it off again with wax or car polish to remove any signs of scratching.

If the tree sap is too hard to remove, you may want to take your car to an auto repair shop for professional assistance. Try using TalkLocal to locate an auto professional near you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, reputable auto repair specialists in your neighborhood, within minutes. Simply enter in your specific problem, location, and availability and TalkLocal will contact multiple pros, who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

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