When Should I Fertilize my Lawn

When should I fertilize my lawn Landscapers

Fertilizing your lawn is an important step to maintaining a good-looking lawn. A lawn needs food just like any other plant, and fertilizer is the only way to feed it. A properly fertilized lawn is healthier, meaning it can battle through severe weather conditions more effectively. You may be asking yourself, “When should I fertilize my lawn?” Feeding your lawn even once a year can improve its condition, but feeding it four times a year is even better. Putting your lawn through a schedule like this can make your lawn look lush and green.

First Round

Early Spring (February thru April) is the first time during the year where you will want to fertilize your lawn. During this period, food is of the utmost importance if you want to have a lush lawn during the year. Feeding your lawn in the spring strengthens the roots and gives it the food it needs to grow.

Second Round

The next period where you will want to feed your lawn is in late spring, from April to June. During this time, your lawn is using up its stored energy and needs more to continue its growth. However, this is also around the time where weeds begin to sprout, so you will want to get rid of these to continue your lawn’s growth.

Third Round

The summer months of June through August are the next stage of the feeding schedule. These summer months are important because heat, drought, insects, and storm damage can all take their toll on a lawn. Feeding your lawn during this period helps to strengthen the lawn and protect against these problems.

Fourth Round

The fall months of September through November comprise the last timeframe for fertilization of your lawn. These months generally have cool nights, plenty of rainfall, and morning dew — basically as good as it gets for lawns. Apply the final feeding before the winter months and the cold kick in. This will allow for a healthier and greener lawn the following spring.

Professional Help

Following a plan like this will allow you to keep your lawn lush and green and capable of handling any problems that may test the strength of your lawn. If you would prefer professional help, consider using TalkLocal to find a landscaping specialist for you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, landscaping companies in your neighborhood within minutes. Just enter in your specific problem, location, and availability, and up to three companies will call YOU directly — saving you the time and stress of finding one yourself.

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