Where To Recycle Computers

Where To Recycle Computers - Garbage Removal

Your computer is full of hazardous and dangerous materials which can harm the environment.  For example, the older, bulky CRT screens contain cathode ray tubes, containing high levels of lead, while the circuit boards and batteries usually contain dangerous amounts of heavy metals and lead solder.  If you just throw away your computer, you’ll be risking those heavy metals and dangerous materials leaking into the environment.  Fortunately though, there are many safe ways to recycle your computer so that you don’t have to worry about damaging the environment when it’s time to purchase a new computer. Below is a list of where to recycle computers.

Reuse and Donations

The first place you should look for is one that can reuse your computer, as this is the most eco-friendly way to “dispose” of your computer.  If your computer is still in good shape and usable, you should consider donating your computer for other people to use.  Most such organizations will be local and city-based, so try to find the one closest to you through searching sites such as eCycling or Earth911.

Manufacturer Recycling

Most electronic manufacturers and retailers will have some sort of recycling program in place to reclaim your used and outdated equipment.  Best Buy offers an electronics recycling program in all of their stores, allowing you to bring two pieces of electronic equipment per day.  Likewise, Office Depot provides Tech Recycling Boxes (for a small fee) that you can fill up with as many electronic items as you can fit in them and drop off to any Office Depot store.  Staples also has an EcoEasy recycling program where you can recycle your computer for $10 per item you bring in.  Most businesses in your area will sponsor some form of electronics recycling, so just ask around and find one that suits you best!

Find A Computer Recycling Center Near You!

If you have any concerns about appropriately recycling your computer, you should talk with a garbage removal professional.  TalkLocal can connect you with the highest quality garbage removal professionals in your area in just minutes, for free!

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