Get Rid of Bedbugs Before Moving

Get Rid of Bedbugs Before Moving - Moving and Storage

Living with bedbugs can be a hassle. While bedbugs do not transmit disease, they feed on blood and can cause itchy, irritating bites, making living conditions unbearable. If you have bedbugs and are looking to move, think twice before quickly packing up your things and leaving. Be sure to follow these steps to get rid of bedbugs before moving, so that the bedbugs do not move with you into your new home!

Cleaning and Preparation

1. The first step when preparing to move is to clean your space well so as to eliminate as many bedbugs as possible. Sort out what you would like to keep and what you would like to throw away.

2.Wash and dry any items you decide to keep that are made of washable materials using the hottest settings possible.

3. Place all washed items in sealed, labeled plastic bags to avoid re-contamination.

4. For the items you would like to keep that cannot be washed, enclose them in plastic bags and contact a pest control professional for cleaning advice and treatments.

5. For items you no longer wish to keep, wrap the items in bags, mark them with the words “bedbugs,” and leave them outside for removal. Never donate items that have come into contact with bedbugs.


1. After thoroughly cleaning your belongings, it is important to pack well. Pack all items in plastic bags.

2. If possible, leave these bags or boxes in the hot, summer sun or in the freezing winter cold for a few days; the extreme temperatures may help to kill any remaining bedbugs.

3. Once everything has been packed, remove furniture from the home and sanitize it outside.

Moving and Unpacking

1. Make sure that each person entering your new home has showered and is in a fresh pair of laundered clothes to reduce the risk of bringing in bedbugs.

2. If you have pets, wash them well.

3. Only bring items into your new home that have been cleaned and sanitized, and keep a close eye on the boxes and bags you are bringing in.

4. Also, be sure to purchase bedbug protective pieces, such as a bedbug-proof mattress cover, to avoid future contamination.

A new living space can offer some wonderful opportunities for you. Careful cleaning, packing and moving will help you live bed bug-free in your new home!

Need Moving Help?

If you are moving with bedbugs, use TalkLocal to locate a pest control specialist near you. Talk Local will connect you with the right professionals in your area quickly, at no cost to you!

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