When To Use A Paint Primer

When To Use A Paint Primer - Painters

Knowing why and when to use a paint primer are essential for a proper paint job. A primer could be the difference between a professional-looking paint job, and one that quickly fades.

Why Use A Paint Primer?

Primer is a sealant that facilitates the paint’s adhesion while protecting your wall. It ensures a smooth surface for your paint to glide onto as it seals any cracks or imperfections on your wall. It also makes painting drastically different colors much easier, such as painting a red wall white. Primer will increase the longevity of your paint job and prevent mildew, too.

When To Use A Paint Primer

Use a primer when you are painting drywall, latex-to-oil paint, oil-to-latex paint, bare wood, or concrete. In other words, you should almost always use a primer. If a wall is in good condition, you might not need to use a primer, however there are many benefits of using a primer which outweigh the costs of forgoing this important step.

Which Primers To Use

Primers vary depending on the type of paint you use. If you use a latex paint, you will need a latex primer. You will also use a primer in areas that are highly frequented, such as the living room. The daily wear and tear of greasy fingers, crayons, and any other elements can slowly damage the topcoat. A primer will allow the paint to hold up against frequent cleaning.  If you do not use a primer, the damage could be more expensive in the end. Primer is usually cheaper than paint anyway, so it is a good investment in order to protect your home.

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