How to Pick Cages for Rabbits

How to Pick Cages for Rabbits - Veterinarians

So, you have found a new, furry friend, but you need a place to put it! You can’t just go out and buy any old terrarium or kennel for a rabbit, however. You’ll need to find the right type of cage. Here are some tips when shopping around for cages for rabbits.

1)     Determine Location

If you plan to keep your rabbit in an apartment, you should choose a cage of an appropriate size. You should also consider how many rabbits you are keeping and where you will put the cage. If you are keeping more than one rabbit of different sexes, it is important to spray or neuter your pets. Will you put it indoors or outdoors? If you will put it outdoors, it needs to have a roof.

2)     Determine the Habitat

Many commercially available cages for rabbits are too small for rabbits. Many pet owners prefer to build their own, or use dog or cat pens to house their rabbits. You can opt to build a shelter for your pet using wood, or even build a small shed for your rabbit.

3)     Size Matters

The size of the cage matters. We can’t stress this enough. A cage that is too small will make for an unhappy pet. As a general rule, the rabbit should be able to move around comfortably in a cage, and should even be able to run around a bit inside the cage.

4)     The Size of the Mesh Matters, Too

The mesh of the cage matters, as well. A mesh that is too large, especially if you plan on breeding your rabbits, will allow the babies to fall out. So make sure the mesh is just the right size. Generally, the smaller the mesh, the better.

5)     Choose the Floor Material

Never use wire flooring, as this will hurt the feet of the rabbit. Instead, opt for solid flooring made of plastic or wood, and use bedding material as well. Rabbits are easily litter-trained.

Need Veterinary Help for Your Rabbit?

Still confused by cages for rabbits? Contact TalkLocal today for expert advice. We can help you find a veterinarian who will be able to give you advice on caring for your rabbit, and keeping it in good health.

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