Common Problems of Roof Drains on Flat Roofs

Common Problems of Roof Drains on Flat Roofs - Roofers

With a flat roof, being able to drain water from the roof is vital to protect the structure of your home. Having good roof drains on flat roofs is crucial to relieve the roof from the weight of the water collecting on it. However, if there are a few puddles on your roof, those should not pose any concerns with the performance of your roofing system. It’s only normal for flat roofs to have small pools of water after a rain. However, some common problems with flat roof drainage may need to be addressed.

1. The roof is not sloped properly.

If drains are not installed with a sump, the drain ring can create a significant obstruction in the drainage to cause a large pool of water. Consequently, this pool will allow more debris to collect easily on the roof surface, which will only increase the level of water above the roof.

2. The drains were not installed properly.

Primary drains and/or secondary roof drains on flat roofs should be installed at the correct elevation. If the secondary drain is placed at a height that is too low, it will lead to constant water pooling around the drains. Unfortunately, improper installation is quite common, especially if the roofer is not experienced working with roof drains for flat roofs.

3. Some parts are not heavy-duty.

Some flat roof drainage systems have plastic parts, which are not as durable as the rest of the roofing material. When these plastic components deteriorate and fall apart, they end up clogging the drains. Sometimes, they are blown away and the drain is left unprotected from debris.

4. The drainage system is not properly maintained.

In cleaning their roof drains, homeowners usually just drain the water that has backed up the drains without clearing the debris off their roof. When debris is left on the roof, it will only be washed back to the drain when it rains again, causing another blockage to the drain.

Solve Roof Drainage Problems

Let professional roofing contractors eliminate your issues with roof drains, flat roofs, or any roof for that matter. They can check the installation of all roof drains to ensure proper placement and elevation. They can also put in place a regular maintenance program to avoid blockages in your system.

Let Seva Call help you find local reputable roofers now. Send us your service request and we’ll take care of the search for you, for free! Connect with professionals in your area in just minutes!


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