Transferable Diseases between Dogs and Humans

Transferable Diseases between Dogs and Humans - Veterinarians

Some diseases that your dog can carry may be transferable to you if you come in contact with your dog’s urine, feces, saliva, or blood. To avoid dangerous diseases, be careful when cleaning up after your dog and wash your hands thoroughly. Also, take your dog a veterinarian regularly to receive all the recommended vaccinations. Below is a list of transferable diseases between dogs and humans.


Rabies can be transferred from a dog to a human when a rabid dog bites a human. In both dogs and humans, rabies will result in the brain deteriorating. Signs that your dog has rabies include: acting more scared or angry, struggling with balance and coordination, and failing to function on a basic level. Signs of rabies in humans include: tiredness, headaches, a lack of appetite, and later, hallucinations, seizures, and paralysis. If not treated, rabies will eventually result in death in both dogs and humans.


If you come into contact with a leptospirosis-infected dog’s drinking water or urine, the disease may be transferable to you. Leptospirosis results in internal organs deteriorating in both dogs and humans.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Your dog may acquire Rocky Mountain spotted fever from being bitten by a tick. The disease may be transferred to you if you come in contact with your dog’s bodily fluids. Symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in both dogs and humans include: tiredness, lack of appetite, depression, fever, joint pain, and diarrhea. Additionally, humans may see red spots on the palms, wrists, and the bottom of the feet. Luckily, it can be treated with antibiotics.


Roundworms, hookworms, and ringworms hatch their eggs in the intestines of both dogs and humans and will result in internal organ damage, as well as malnutrition. If your dog has any of these parasites, they can be transferred to you via contact with your dog’s saliva or feces.

Additional Help

If you believe your dog may have any of the above diseases, it is imperative that you take your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible. If you do not have a veterinarian, you can use TalkLocal to receive up to three phones calls within minutes from high quality veterinarians in your area, who are available to help you when you need them.

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