Archive for the ‘Dentists’ Category


Symptoms Of An Abscessed Tooth

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Symptoms Of An Abscessed Tooth - Dentists

Not much can drop a man or woman to their knees more than tooth pain. To many, the mere thought of going to the dentist causes a visceral reaction. For this reason, most of us avoid the dentist chair at all costs.

Tooth pain can come from a variety of sources, from a traditional cavity to an abscessed tooth. A tooth abscess forms from an infection at the root of the tooth. The infection can also form between your tooth and gums. Some common causes of such infections include gum disease and tooth decay.

Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth

Some people dread the dentist enough that even after experiencing these symptoms of an abscessed tooth, they still refuse to make an appointment. It is important to remember that this type of infection does not go away on its own. It will only continue to damage surrounding tissue until, eventually, it kills off the root of the tooth. While this may end the pain, it does not mean the infection has healed.

See A Dentist Right Away!

Only a professional dentist can determine if your tooth is abscessed or if you are experiencing symptoms of a cavity or other related tooth disease.

Regardless of the official diagnosis, the general rule of thumb is the sooner you receive treatment, the better the result. The good news is that TalkLocal offers a free service to connect consumers with professionals in their area.

Our service is fast and easy — you should be speaking to a dentist near you in 90 seconds. It’s never a good idea to put off medical treatment. The best plan of action is to call a dentist as soon as possible, and we can help!

Best Toothpaste For Sensitive Teeth

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Best Toothpaste For Sensitive Teeth - Dentists

Having sensitive teeth can be very irritating. Hot and cold products like coffee or ice cream can send soaring pains throughout your mouth. This can be far greater than the pain experienced with a cavity, tooth decay or other dental issues.

Brushing your teeth with toothpaste that is especially made for those with sensitive teeth can help reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you experience.

The only question that remains is which is the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth? There are many different brands on the market, but the following is a compilation of some of the best toothpastes for those that suffer from sensitive teeth.

– Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief: This toothpaste is one of the best on the market. It provides comfort and relief from the pain associated with having sensitive teeth. This is an affordable brand that is available both online and in local stores.

Sensodyne: Sensodyne is a bit more expensive than other brands of toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth, but it is definitely one of the best. This toothpaste tastes great and can help provide serious relief for your teeth.

Arm and Hammer Sensitive: Arm and Hammer Sensitive can clean and protect your sensitive teeth. It is available at an extremely affordable price and can be purchased both online and in local stores.

Crest Sensitivity: Crest has been a trusted brand in toothpaste for years. It is that reason why many customers turn to this recognizable brand to address their sensitive teeth issues. Crest’s remedy for sensitive teeth has proven both effective and affordable.

All About Preference

When it boils down to it, finding the best toothpaste for sensitive teeth is simply based on what brand works best for you. While all toothpastes for sensitive teeth will have the same general affect, everyone has a different preference in brand or might even let their budget dictate which type to purchase.

You can try switching between the various brands mentioned above to see which provides you with the best results. You can also ask your dentist to recommend a brand of toothpaste.

Where Do I Find A Quality Dentist?

If you do not have a family dentist, you can count on TalkLocal to provide you with one. We have streamlined the searching process by matching you with dentists that meet your specific criteria.

Gums Bleed When Brushing

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Gums Bleed When Brushing - Dentists

Seeing pink in the sink when you brush your teeth can be worrisome. Unless you have recently cut your mouth, the blood you see is most likely from your gums.

There are a few things that might make your gums bleed when brushing:

If your bleeding gums are also swollen or sore, you may have a bigger problem. Soreness of gums is a sign of plaque and tartar build up, which can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis, also known as gum disease. Gingivitis, caused by said plaque buildup, is usually painful and requires medical attention, but it does not cause irreversible damage.

Periodontitis, or gum disease, is more serious. This is when your gums separate from your teeth. Little pockets form between your gums and your teeth when this separation occurs, which causes debris to land between the two. This leads to infection below the gum line that disintegrates the bone holding your teeth in place, causing tooth loss. If you notice your gums bleed when brushing, that can also be a sign.

Thankfully, gingivitis and gum disease can be avoided by properly caring for your teeth. Be sure to:

Contact A Dentist

If you need help connecting with a dental professional, try TalkLocal. Finding a good dental hygienist through our service means you can have your questions answered, get plaque or tartar removed and keep your gums healthy and happy.

Dry Mouth Home Remedies

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Dry Mouth Home Remedies - Dentists

Dry mouth home remedies can be extremely useful if you are about to host a big party or are simply just irritated from having a dry mouth all the time. Not only does dry mouth occur if you are talking loudly or a lot, dry mouth also results from physical reactions within your body – you may not be producing enough saliva. Hopefully you will be able to swallow, chew and speak like normal after trying out these tips and tricks.

How Do You Get Rid of Dry Mouth?

– Drink water! Being dehydrated can be a cause of dry mouth, and unfortunately, because dry mouth can be the result of many different causes, it can be extra tricky to monitor. For example, being dehydrated can result from exercising, having a fever, and from contracting other illnesses and their side effects (such as vomiting and diarrhea).

– Get a humidifier. Not only is physically ingesting water by drinking it important, but having humid air surrounding you can mass produce the moisture in your mouth.

– There is a rumor that says to avoid soda. Why is that? Well, saliva’s role is to break down the foods and drinks that you ingest along with protecting your teeth and gums. If you are not producing enough saliva, your mouth’s defenses are down against the acidity and sweetness of soda, and this can lead to damages to both your teeth and your gums.

– Brush and floss regularly. This will help keep your mouth healthy and will help protect you from all types of mouth related issues.

In what other ways does dry mouth affect me?

Dry mouth can lead to many other problems as well. Having bad breath is one of the main downsides to dry mouth. In addition, headaches can come upon along with dry nasal passages, and other pain related to dry skin and mouth.

Additional Help

Get rid of that dry mouth today! Need some help or interested in seeking guidance? You may want to find a dentist. Check out TalkLocal. You will be connected directly to local, high quality professionals that will help you get rid of your dry mouth and your symptoms. Check it out!

Severe TMJ symptoms

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Severe TMJ symptoms - Dentists

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a ball and socket joint that connects your lower jaw to the temporal bone of the skull. The joint is flexible enough to allow the jaw space to move, which is why we are able to eat and talk. A condition called temporomandibular disorder (TMD) occurs when problems with the jaw, joint, and facial muscles flare up.

Causes of TMD

Problems with the TMJ can arise almost at random. Dentists are still unsure of the cause of TMD, but it is believed that the symptoms arise from problems with either the muscles in the jaw or with the joints themselves. There are some other possible causes of TMD, including:

–          Clenching and grinding of the teeth, putting pressure on the TMJ.

–          Stress can cause people to tighten their jaw and facial muscles or clench their teeth.

–          Dislocation of the disc between the ball and socket of the joint in your jaw

–          Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid in the TMJ

Severe TMJ Symptoms

If you suspect you or someone you know has TMD, there are some common symptoms to look for.

– Pain or tenderness in the areas around your mouth or jaw

– Not being able to open your mouth completely

– A jaw that gets stuck when you open up your mouth wide

– Clicking, popping, or grating noises when opening or closing your mouth (even more so if this is accompanied by pain)

– Swelling on the side of your face

– Difficulty chewing or biting

– Some other commonly related symptoms include: toothaches, headaches, neck aches, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears

Treatments for TMJ

There are many treatments available that can relieve your symptoms, so if you have any symptoms that hint that you may be suffering from TMD, you should get it checked out as soon as possible. In the mean time, to reduce the pain, applying ice to inflamed areas and taking anti-inflammatory medications is advisable. Eating soft foods and using a night guard for your mouth can be helpful as well.

Additional Help

Many conditions have symptoms similar to TMD, so if you are suffering from any of these, it is important to get checked out by a dentist. If you are searching for a dentist, consider using TalkLocal to find a top-quality dentist in your area. TalkLocal is a FREE service that connects you with the best professionals in just a few minutes. All you need to do is enter in your specific problems, location and availability, and TalkLocal will contact multiple dentists who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

Signs of Cavities

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Signs of Cavities - Dentists

Getting a cavity is a person’s biggest nightmare, especially when going to visit the dentist.  A cavity is said to come from eating too much candy or not brushing well enough.  In reality it is bacterial infection that causes the hard minerals of the tooth to break down.  Sometimes having a cavity can be extremely painful so you should keep an active look out and take action if you think you have one. Here are the most common signs of cavities.

Signs of Cavities

Diagnosing Cavities

Your dentist will be able to tell if you have a cavity by examining your mouth. If they see signs of a cavity or if the tooth feels softer than it should they will take x-rays to see if the cavity really exists.  There are several things that can be done to eliminate a cavity, such as extraction, fillings, or crowns. Your dentist will help you determine what the best option is for you. Your dentist will also be able to tell you how to prevent future cavities.

Additional Help

If you have more questions about your cavity you should try to talk to a professional so that you can get the best help possible.  The easiest, fastest way to get in contact with reliable, local dentists is to use TalkLocal. Just put in your problem and availability and we will connect you with up to three dentists in your area, who will be available to help you when you need it.

Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Teeth Grinding Mouth Guard - Dentists

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is common among many people. Generally, people are unaware they do it because they grind their teeth when they are asleep. Although there are a variety of causes, do not wait too long to find out why you do it. You should get a teeth grinding mouth guard as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your teeth. Talk to your dentist about your options.

Mouth Guards

There are many different types of mouth guards on the market. A good mouth guard is durable and comfortable. It should not restrict your breathing in any way so that you can protect your teeth while being able to function normally. A mouth guard will create a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, thus protecting them from each other.

Since most people grind their teeth while they sleep, it is likely that the mouth guard will be worn all night. Evening mouth guards are also known as nocturnal bite plates or bite splints. Many bacteria form in your mouth and around your mouth guard during sleep, so make sure you clean your mouth guard regularly. We recommend scrubbing it with a toothbrush and mild soap. You can also use denture cleaners, which can be purchased in any pharmacy.

Possible Causes of Bruxism

It is also important to try to address the cause of bruxism. Stress can cause teeth grinding. Try to find ways to relax through yoga, soothing music, deep breathing, and a good night’s sleep. If you are a teeth grinder, get a mouth guard as soon as possible. If left untreated, bruxism can lead to cracked teeth, which can give rise to more serious, painful dental problems.

Some recommended brands include SleepRight Mouth Guard, the Doctor’s Night Guard, and the SmartGuard Night Guard. If you see a dentist, they will likely give you a custom mouth guard that will be molded to your teeth and will be more suitable to your needs.

Additional Help

If you are in need of a mouth guard, or if you’re having issues with teeth grinding, get in touch with a dentist as soon as possible to prevent tooth damage. TalkLocal can help connect you in seconds with quality local dentists. We will connect you with up to three dentists in your area who will be able to help you when you need it.

What is a Dental Crown?

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

What is a Dental Crown? - Dentists

Knowing what a dental crown is and how it relates to your tooth can be extremely helpful when going through the experience of visiting the dentist. Dental crowns are known to be quite expensive, and who would want to pay for something that is expensive and seemingly unnecessary? We’re here to help you understand the purpose of dental crowns.

What is a Dental Crown?

Dental crowns are most often associated with root canals. In addition, they are used if you have a crack in your tooth. In both cases, the crown plays the role of covering either part of the tooth or the entire tooth. This protects the tooth from further damage and keeps the tooth from splitting or breaking off. Crowns make the tooth look better and provide the tooth with a more appropriate shape and size. Crowns are also used with dental implants and bridges. Crowns truly play a large role and are used to cover many different types of dental work.

What are dental crowns made from?

There are 4 types of dental crowns: all-resin, all-metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, and all-ceramic.

1. An all-resin crown is used when the tooth needs to be artificially rebuilt using a resin composite material. Often this will be done before a ceramic or porcelain crown is placed over the resin build-up.

2. All-metal crowns give off the typical silver appearance. All-metal crowns are typically used in the upper, back portion of the mouth where they are the least visible.

3. Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) dental crowns have metal shells, on top of which is fused a white porcelain crown. This gives the crown more strength while leaving the appearance of a white tooth. PFM crowns are most common for frontal dental crowns.

4. All-ceramic crowns match the color of your surrounding teeth. The ceramic allows them to be colored accordingly. Usually ceramic crowns will be used in areas that are visible when you open your mouth to talk or eat. Having a tooth-colored crown will allow you to have a crown without the appearance of a crown in your mouth.

Additional Help

Would you like to learn more about crowns or schedule an appointment with a dentist? If so, check out TalkLocal! You will be connected directly to local, high quality dentists right in your area that are willing to help you at the time that is most convenient for your schedule. Check it out!

How to Cure Sleep Apnea

Thursday, January 31st, 2013

How to Cure Sleep Apnea - Dentists

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is the term for the condition of paused or stopped breathing while sleeping. Sleep apnea can be very serious. It is a condition that should be treated and also needs to be treated to avoid death. Sleep apnea can result in pauses of breath from 10 to 20 seconds. In addition, this usually takes place between 20 and 30 times per night. That is not a very good situation to be in. An adequate amount of air needs to flow in and out of the lungs to ensure that the body is adequately fueled. Normal breathing needs to be restored and a cure to sleep apnea can be extremely beneficial.

How to Cure Sleep Apnea

– Eat healthy. There is a correlation between being overweight and an increased experience of sleep apnea.

– Change your sleep position. Not only your whole body position, but try to focus on breathing through your nose as well as your mouth. This will allow different airways to be operating simultaneously to increase your air intake.

– Avoid alcohol and nicotine. Drugs and stimulants relax your muscles and this will cause your airway to close up even more, resulting in more sleep apnea than normal. In addition, taking sleeping pills can result in a higher occurrence of sleep apnea.

– Another possible option is to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device while you sleep. A CPAP device will automatically regulate your breathing as you sleep. However, it is best to consult a professional before resorting to a CPAP device.

Additional Help

If none of these options work for you, you may want to consult a professional who can help you. It is time to finally get a restful night’s sleep. It is also time to cure your sleep apnea and no longer worry about dying as you lay your head on the pillow at night. If you would like to get help, check out TalkLocal. You will be connected to local, high quality dentists that are trained to provide you with the products and services needed to get rid of sleep apnea. Check it out!

Gum Disease Remedies

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Gum Disease Remedies - Dentists

Gum disease can be a painful experience that needs to be treated immediately if you want to return to a normal quality of life.  When you have gum disease there is infection and inflammation on your teeth and gums.  Gum disease begins with plaque from your teeth and when the bacteria from it mixes with saliva it can cause the disease.  If left untreated gum disease can get much more serious over time.  If you think you have gum disease you should take action. Here are some common symptoms and helpful gum disease remedies.

Gum Disease Symptoms

Gum Disease Remedies

1. Vitamin C deficiency can cause gum disease. Eat grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, mango, strawberry, red peppers, broccoli. All of these foods contain higher amounts of Vitamin C. You can also take Vitamin C supplements in pill or powder form, but it is always better the receive vitamins and nutrients from your diet.

2. Vitamin D has an anti inflammatory effect, which could help reduce the swelling in your gums. To receive more Vitamin D get lots of sun exposure, drink Vitamin D-infused milk, or take a supplement.

3. Reduce your stress. Stress causes plaque to build which can lead to gum disease.

4. Tea tree oil has natural antibiotics in it. Brush with this oil to reduce bleeding and gingivitis.

5. Drink pure cranberry juice with no added sugar. Cranberry juice can help to prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth.

6. Gargle with warm saltwater. This acts as a natural “saline” cleanser to reduce plaque build-up on your teeth.

Continuing Problems

If you have more questions about your gum disease you should try to talk to a professional, so that you can get the best help possible.  The easiest way to get in contact with reliable local dentists is to use TalkLocal. Just tell us your problem and within minutes we will connect you with up to three high quality professionals in your area who will be available when you need them.