Top 5 Tips for Staying Warm in Winter

Saturday, February 28th, 2015


The temperature is in the single digits right now. February and March are essential months for getting the most out of your HVAC system and fortunately the web is full of heating hacks to help you stay warm. We’ve sifted through tips from industry experts and crafty consumers alike, and compiled the top 5 tips for staying warm this winter.

Program Your Thermostat… Or Trick It

Consumers and pros agree that programmable thermostats are the way to go, as they allow you to precisely adjust the temperature. If you have a locked thermostat, you can still get the most out of it with a little trickery. Putting ice near (not on) a locked thermostat lowers its temperature reading, compelling it to generate extra heat.

If You Don’t Use It, Don’t Heat It

This tip can mean big savings if you have a room that’s usually empty. Simply shut doors, windows, and vents leading to the vacant area to cut off the flow of heat to that area. You might as well only spend money on heating what you will actually feel.

Take Advantage of Competition

Utilities love to woo new customers by giving them price advantages. If you’ve been with your gas or electric provider for a long time, check out a comparison tool to ensure that you’re getting the most savings possible from your heating bill.

Insulate the Essentials

Namely your attic and hot water heater. Professionals agree that these two things account for a huge amount of heat loss. If you don’t have access to commercial insulation, a sturdy blanket wrapped around your water heater will still make a difference.

Use the Sun

This one just requires common sense and a little extra effort. Use as much solar heat as possible by opening windows that are in sunlight, and closing the curtains on windows that are in shadow.

Spring might be on its way, but we all have a few more weeks of surviving the chill ahead of us. With a little bit of know-how, you can stay toasty without splurging on your heating bill. Follow our tips and you’ll find that it’s your spending that’s crazy low— not the temperature.

Out of the Slump: Motivational Quotes and Advice

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Written by Paul Murskov


We’ve all been here before. Your monthly sales goal feels impossible to meet, your last few calls have gone nowhere, and healthy concern has turned to paranoia. Is my phone voice annoying? How is my boss going to take this?

Breathe. Slumps happen, and they’re usually easier to fix than you’d think. Below are some words of wisdom to help you get back into your groove.

“This too shall pass.” –Persian Sufi proverb

One of the easiest ways to start recovering from a sales slump is simply to avoid a negative mindset. Remember that slumps are natural, and don’t be too quick to blame yourself (or anyone else) for a few hiccups in your performance. Optimism when dealing with stress is correlated to higher returns in call centers, as demonstrated by this Maastricht University study.

“When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” –Will Rogers

When your sales are sub-par, it’s natural to panic a little bit and start working harder without actually looking at what’s wrong. A much more helpful reaction is to step back and do a little analysis. Business owners use sales data to improve their performance; you can too.  After pinpointing your biggest revenue sources, you may find that your so-called slump is simply a case of misguided focus.

“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.” –Ernest Hemmingway

Confidence is a salesperson’s best friend, but pride can be their worst enemy. There’s nothing wrong with asking your peers for advice; in fact doing so is linked to long-term productivity growth in a sales force. This is yet another reason to get to know your coworkers— the cure to your sales trouble could be sitting next to you.

“100% of the shots you don’t take don’t go in.” –Wayne Gretzky

This aphorism from the hockey legend illustrates another cardinal rule of recovering from a slump: No matter how low your morale may have dipped, you cannot reduce your efforts. I shouldn’t need to show you data that links frequency of calls and sales results; it’s common sense that when faced with a rough patch, you have to keep trying— whether that means making more calls, changing up your calls, or phoning a friend.

Experiencing highs and lows is part of being a salesperson. The lows are a lot less gloomy if you stop thinking of them as a reason to freak out, and start thinking of them as an opportunity to improve yourself. Hopefully these sayings will not only help you beat your slump, but also enable you to help your colleagues beat theirs. As I said at the beginning of this article, we’ve all been here before.

Martin’s Cooling and Heating, Inc. is TalkLocal’s Featured Business for February

Friday, February 20th, 2015

Other February

It has been a crazy month here at TalkLocal searching for our next Featured Business of the Month. Many were entered and making a decision was tough but due to the support of their customers, Martin’s Cooling and Heating Inc. has become February’s champion!


The owner, Johnny Martin, and his son

Established in Naples, Florida over a decade ago, Martin’s Cooling and Heating is a full service, licensed and insured AC, Heating, (but it’s Florida so mostly cooling), Ventilation, and Refrigeration Contractor. Dealing with Florida’s balmy weather is serious business, so they are available around the clock with 24/7 customer service.

With a logo like “A Company You Can Trust”, the HVAC company sets itself apart with non-commissioned contractors, free estimates, and even free second-opinions. Plus, their website offers a wide variety of information for HVAC noobs, like how to keep your family’s home safe from mold and other toxins by improving your air quality. All this is to ensure that their customers can do business with the utmost trust and confidence.

One customer said, “The guys at Martin’s Cooling are all reliable, and trustworthy! Their prices are definitely competitive!!”

So, if you’re in the Collier and Lee County area and in need of HVAC help, give Martin’s Heating and Cooling a try. Right now, they’re offering 10% off your next preventative and maintenance call.

And, for everyone else across the country, there’s TalkLocal. We aggregate online business information to find a top-rated pro and connect you by phone in about 90 seconds. Martin’s Cooling and Heating is just one of hundreds of thousands of quality service professionals in our network covering 50 service categories. So, visit our website or download the app on Android or iPhone.

Once again, congratulations to Martin’s Cooling and Heating, Inc. and we look forward to another heated competition here at TalkLocal. We can’t wait to name next month’s Featured Business!

Do’s and Don’ts of a Small Business Website

Sunday, February 15th, 2015


The phone book is dying. In 2015, when someone needs something, they Google it. Thus, high quality small business website design is a requirement for success. With so many possibilities available for website design, here’s my list of the most important do’s and don’ts for the online face of your business.


Simplify navigation. Nothing deters a potential customer like getting lost on your website, so make it as foolproof as possible. If you’re wondering whether or not a page is necessary, it probably isn’t. Also essential is a logically-organized site map, even if it’s just a header or side bar with pages categorized.

Include a Contact Us. If you are successful, you know the value of being accessible to warm leads, potential employees, and other business interests. Make sure your website includes a secure page, button, or feature that allows visitors to reach out to you.

Be mobile-friendly. At a given time, the majority of people browsing the internet are now on mobile devices. Skimping on mobile formatting can be a costly mistake, as visitors on their phones are likely to be discouraged by tiny text and a won k y  l a y o ut on a website not designed for their device. Reactive websites automatically adjust to mobile viewing, saving you the hassle of developing a separate mobile version.


Have ANY AUTOPLAYING SOUNDS. Imagine walking into a store and immediately being ambushed by loud music and voices. What makes that any more acceptable for an online storefront?  Unless you want to annoy your visitors (and scare off those discretely browsing from work), just…don’t.

Post irrelevant content or links. The argument behind posting random things on your business website is a half-baked attempt at generating traffic and link reciprocity. Even in the unlikely event that this works, it significantly hurts the aesthetic of your website and looks unprofessional. Keep it relevant, even if it means having a little less content.

Use elaborate Flash decorations. This is a matter of time and resources; a dizzying Flash intro for your site isn’t really in vogue these days, and can be very labor-intensive. Once again, for reasons of site aesthetics and user convenience, it’s better to skip this one.

Today, your business’s online presence is just as important as its physical presence— more important for many businesses. Your website is often a customer’s first impression of who you are and what you’re about, so follow these tips and make it count.

Valentine’s Day Greetings From TalkLocal!

Saturday, February 14th, 2015

We’re great at finding the right pro right away. But, what about finding Mr or Mrs Right? What if TalkLocal had a “Dating” Service Category just in time for Valentine’s Day?

Art by Kayla Winkfie

Valentin's Day Post What If TalkLocal was a Dating Site?

Valentine Cards for Customers from Local Pros

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

A little industry humor makes for a sweet valentine, especially if it’s meant to show your loyal customers how much you value their business. That’s why we have these Valentine cards for customers. Give them a chuckle and set your business apart with these Valentine one-liners.

Electrician Valentine: 


Dentist Valentine:


Maid Service Valentine: 

Maid Service Valentine


Handyman Valentine: 


HVAC Valentine:


Plumber Valentine:  



Roofer Valentine:



Happy Valentine’s Day!

Motivational Quotes For Work: The Presidents On Leadership

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

presidents day

Leading a small business is a stressful and often thankless job that requires a lot of motivation for success. Now, as we remember the 43 Americans who have taken on the most draining leadership job available in our country, the Presidency. Many of them have something to say about leadership that’s useful whether you run a sovereign state or a small shop.  Below are five motivational quotes for work and leadership. Enjoy, and get motivated!

“A little flattery will support a man through great fatigue.” – President James Monroe

Motivational Quotes for Work

President #5 understood the importance of positive reinforcement. Encouraging employees to take pride in good performance makes them more motivated, and thus more productive. The last three words emphasize celebrating individual victories even when times are tough, a great way to keep morale high during these rough patches.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – President John Quincy Adams

Motivational Quotes for Work

Monroe’s successor tells us how much of a difference leading by example can make. Ambition is contagious, and the only way to have a highly motivated workforce that respects you is to be highly motivated yourself.

“It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn’t.”  – President Martin Van Buren

James Monroe- Motivational Quotes for Work Presidents

This aphorism about making excuses carries weight coming from a man who learned English as a second language before becoming President. Every business owner prefers employees who come to them with solutions rather than roadblocks; creating a culture of doing instead of talking is a smart move as a leader.

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” – President Abraham Lincoln

Motivational Quotes for Work

Without drive to make it happen, a business is just a good idea. Old Abe reminds us of how important a spirit of determination is to success in leadership. He should know— Lincoln maintained his resolve through the breakout of civil war, the Confederate invasion of the Union, and several assassination attempts before his tragic night at the theatre. Makes your business’s problems seem a little less concerning, doesn’t it?

“The only man who makes no mistake is the man who does nothing.” – President Theodore Roosevelt

Motivational Quotes for Work

Entrepreneurs are familiar with this idea because risk-taking comes with the job. Our canal-building, big-game-hunting, San-Juan-Hill-storming President reminds us that not every risk will pay off, and that’s OK. If you have never made a bad professional decision before, you almost definitely don’t own a business.

Your office is probably dealing with fewer crises than the Oval Office, but no leadership position is easy. As we celebrate our Commanders-in-Chief, take heed of their wisdom and how it can help your business. America was a small and high-risk venture too, once.


You Have Reached The Voice Mailbox Of…

Sunday, February 8th, 2015


It’s one of the most anticlimactic moments in a salesperson’s day — you call a warm lead, hoping to seal the deal…and then it goes to the machine. As you wait for the beep, remember that your message matters; sales can be made or lost by a voicemail. Below are some key elements of a message that will keep the conversation going.

Brevity. People’s attention spans are really short, and no one wants to spend several minutes of their life listening to a voicemail. Your target is closer to 30 seconds; word-efficiency is key.

Planning. The only thing worse than a long, rambling voicemail is a long voicemail consisting mostly of “uh…” Think of what you’d want to put in a message before you call, and when doing so, remember to include the…

Essentials. Name, company name, phone number, customer’s name. Say them early and say them often. It’s important for the customer to remember your information; using their name increases their chance of remembering yours. Just as important as the basic info is the value proposition, where knowledge of the customer’s industry comes in handy. In as few words as possible, tell them why doing business with you (or at least calling you back) would give them an edge on their competitors and add to your…

Tone. Your aim is to be courteous but not presumptuous. It’s a good idea to start with “good morning/afternoon” and end with “thank you for your time,” but adding more pleasantries may annoy.

Follow-up. Adding an email makes your message seem more professional and increases your chances of getting a response. Also, odds are your customer can read faster than you can talk; the follow-up email gives you the opportunity to expand on some points you may have abbreviated in your voicemail.

Leaving a good message is a balancing act; these elements share a theme of maximizing content while minimizing length and complexity. If you can master this, you may find yourself selling to leads who don’t even answer the phone.

Tips to Not Mess Up Valentine’s Day from the TalkLocal Team

Saturday, February 7th, 2015


Brace yourselves, romantically inept masses! its February and that means Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us.  Whether it’s ‘true love” or “complicated”, you will be expected to jump through hoops with chocolate and flowers in hand come February 14th. Never fear though, the team at TalkLocal have compiled a list of tips to keep you in the good graces of your significant other this Valentine’s Day.

1) Roses are a must

It’s a cliché for a reason, gentlemen, but it doesn’t have to be an expensive one. Don’t splurge on a bouquet, simply buy a couple flowers and give them to your loved one at different times of the day. Remember, if it sounds corny, you’re probably doing it right.

2) Spend the day together

Valentine’s Day lands on a Saturday this year so there are no excuses; spend the day with your significant other. Think of things you both enjoy doing and plan a day where you do as much as you can. Be thoughtful with planning your day and your loved one will take notice!

3) Write them a note/letter

Skip the mass produced card this year and write your loved one a note or letter telling them how you really feel. Write about your favorite memory together, what you love about them, whatever you can think of. Give your hand written note to your loved one over dinner or at a romantic point during the day. Trust us; you’ll be glad you skipped out on the card.

4) Romantic evening on the town

What better way to end Valentine’s Day than with a romantic evening out? Start with dinner and then go see a movie or go to a fancy bar or club. It doesn’t matter what you do, just experience the evening together. When planning your night out on the town, be sure to use TalkLocal to book your limo or even call a cab if the night gets crazy.

5) Most importantly, have fun!

Writer and Small Business Influencer Shashi Bellamkonda On SMB Innovation and TalkLocal

Friday, February 6th, 2015

A few years ago, in a conversation with Steve King (co-founder of Emergent research and blogger at SmallBiz Labs), we were discussing innovation and technology used by small businesses. He said that by nature, small businesses use technology to solve their problems but don’t always think they are innovative. His example was of roofing companies who figured out that instead of visits to the client and a climb to the roof to give estimates, they could use their computer and Google Earth and measure the roof accurately. Even if the business paid $400 per year for the Google Pro subscription, it was worth the savings for these roof repair companies. Google just announced that Google Earth pro is now free. This is amazing and innovative.

When cell phones started having cameras, one of the first flooring contractors who came to my house actually used his elementary flip phone to show me photos of work he had done for other clients.

The last two painting contractors who came to my house actually took my email address and sent me their quotes by email which is convenient rather than speaking to them on the phone and scribbling their quotes on the back of an envelope. That’s definitely a smart use of technology by contractors, roofing companies and plumbers.

Smart small businesses also use YouTube to showcase their expertise. Not only does this earn them a following among DIYers, it also earns their trust. When the job is too big, local viewers will turn to that familiar face for repair and renovation help.

Whenever I search Google for answers regarding my repair needs, I find lots of helpful advice from relevant service professionals in their own blogs as well as industry and DIY forums. This is SEO strategy at its finest. The forum discussions give the website of the repair company a lot of relevant content, raising their Google rankings and enhancing their credibility with customers. I found a company that would replace my charging port for my Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone in Fredericksburg, VA called RockitRepairs and they also have a blog that answers questions.

We talked about the use of Google Earth, photos, email and blogs. However, one of the most basic and essential ways in which businesses get discovered by consumers online is through  local directories and map listings on Google, Bing, Yellow Pages, etc. Of course, I’ve also found disconnected or inaccurate phone listings there, as well. That’s why I am so impressed by TalkLocal and the businesses I have found there. I can get quotes from 2 to 3 contractors very quickly and I never worry about being sent to voicemail, scheduling conflicts, and other hassles. More importantly, the quality of work has been excellent.

The fact that TalkLocal empowers me to reach a quality local business even if that business lacks a strong online presence makes TalkLocal extremely innovative.

Congratulations to TalkLocal for being recognized as a Business By Innovation finalist. I voted for them because I’ve seen the positive impact of their innovative service first hand. You should too!

Shashi-BellamkondaShashi Bellamkonda is VP of Digital Marketing at Bozzuto. He has been recognized twice as one of the Top 100 Tech Titans by the Washingtonian and Top 100 Small Business Influencer Champion 2011 by Small Business Trends. Follow him @ShashiB and read more of his insights at Shashi Bellamkonda blog.