Posts Tagged ‘break’


What to Do If Your Water Supply Line House Breaks

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

What to Do If Your Water Supply Line House Breaks - Plumbers

Your home’s water supply line gives you fresh, clean water every time you turn on a faucet. Whether you use it for cooking, taking a shower or cleaning, you expect the water to run clear and work every time you use it. The water that you use in your home is delivered via a water supply line house that connects to a water supply line in the street.

Most water supply lines work just fine for decades, but as with anything in life, there may come a time your water supply line starts to leak or breaks. There are ways to tell if your water supply line is having an issue. Most commonly you’ll notice:

– A sudden, unexpected drop in your home’s water pressure

– Pooling water or a reccurring wet area in your yard

– A discoloration to your water — such as a yellow or brown tint

If you notice one or all three of these, it’s likely your water supply line has a leak or has broken.

Find the Leak

Look for pooling or ultra-wet areas on your yard. These can help you locate the area where the water supply line has broken. If you don’t see obvious signs of where the broken line is, you can use an electronic device — available at most home improvement stores — to help you determine the exact location of the break or leak.

Turn Off the Water

Contact your city’s water company and notify them of a leak or break in your line. You’re the owner of the water supply line to your house; therefore, they will not fix it for you. They may, however, refer you to a plumber in the area who can help repair or replace the line. They can also turn off the water from the main line. You’ll need to turn off the water supply to your house.

Contact a Repair Professional

Get help with your water line repair from a skilled plumber by calling Seva Call now. We can instantly connect you with a professional plumber in your area who can diagnose your issue and repair your water line often in the same day.