Posts Tagged ‘cleaning detergents’


Outdoor Cleaning Detergents

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Outdoor Cleaning Detergents - Handyman

If you have patio furniture with cloth cushions, you may notice that they have become dirty and dingy. Before you spend money on new cushions or an entirely new patio set, consider using one of the many outdoor cleaning detergents on the market that will clean your cushions. These detergents are affordable and effective and will have your patio furniture looking as good as new in no time.

How To Use Outdoor Cleaning Detergents

1. Determine the type of fabric that your patio furniture cushions are made of. Certain outdoor cleaning detergents are made for specific types of fabric. If you use the wrong detergent on the wrong fabric, it could damage the cushions. Once you know what the cushions are covered and stuffed with, you can read the detergent bottle to find out if it is safe to use on them.

2. Dampen your patio furniture slightly to prepare it for the detergent. Most outdoor cushions are treated with products that cause them to repel liquid. When the cushions are damp, they will be more likely to absorb the cleaning solution. Read the instructions on the detergent bottle to find out how long the solution should stay on the cushions and if it needs to be rinsed off at any point.

3. Consider spot cleaning the furniture instead of trying to clean it all at once. If you have stained or very dirty cushions, spray on the detergent and let it soak in for a little longer than what the bottle says. Use a soft scrub brush to help work the detergent into the cushions and remove stains and heavy dirt marks.

4. Store your furniture during the winter months to prevent it from becoming damaged. Before you store it for the season, be sure to clean it. If you store your cushions while they are dirty, the dirt and stains will have longer to set in, and will be harder to remove when you are ready to use the furniture again in the spring or summer.

There are many types of outdoor cleaning detergents on the market. Some can be used on multiple fabrics and others are designed to be used on one or two specific types. Regardless of what type of cushions you have, you can be sure that you will find a detergent that works for you.

Need Help Cleaning?

Cleaning outdoor furniture and equipment isn’t usually a job reserved for a maid. A more qualified handyman is usually in order. At TalkLocal, we can connect you with the right professional. Simply enter in a little bit of information about the services you require, and we’ll go to work finding someone for you.