Posts Tagged ‘flu season’


Fall Essentials: Tips To Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015


Summer (and its dreaded heat) is gone and what’s upon us is the delightful time of fall leaves, pumpkin spice lattes and bugs going back to the underworld where they belong. Unfortunately, this is also the disastrous time when colds and flu viruses run rampant. That’s why we’re providing you with tips to stay healthy during flu season so you can prepare to kill all of the viruses and germs that dare do us harm!

What can you do to protect yourself, your home and your family from these malevolent microbial enemies? Your first line of defense is your flu shot. It may be irritating but a little prick from a flu shot goes a long way to protect you from those nasty viruses. Honestly, the most difficult thing is trying to get the kids to understand that logic, but that’s what doctors and their lollipops are for. Of course, the flu is constantly evolving and no one shot can protect you against all strains and variations. So, it’s important to keep healthy habits that protect you and your loved ones.

Here are three important ways to protect you and your family.

Remember the Basics: It’s all a matter of simple things. Wash your hands regularly. Get a good night’s sleep. Make sure your diet isn’t just potato chips and energy drinks. Wear a coat when it starts to get cold. Keep away from people who are sick and don’t share drinks!

Disinfect: Let’s face it, germs are everywhere. While you may think that disinfecting everything would be a nightmare, it’s okay to focus on the things that you know everyone touches. The doorknobs, the light switches, the TV remote, and anything that you know you touch more often than not.

Prepare Plan B: Sometimes these things just can’t be avoided, especially something as shifty as the flu virus. If you plan ahead and stock up for possible illness, you and your family won’t be stuck rushing to stores when you’d rather be getting healthy. You need your tea, your chicken noodle soup, your tissues, your horrible-tasting cold medicine, etc. It’s also a good time to get your DVR prepared with everything you want to watch while you’re sick at home. And, by all means, do stay home! Self-quarantine speeds recovery and prevents further spreading of the illness to your loved ones, colleagues, and neighbors.

Remember that even though we have to be on guard against the cold and flu, following these steps make it possible to still enjoy all things fall. So, just remember: don’t share food or drinks, stock up on hand sanitizer and information, and if you think you’re going to get sick take it easy, maybe even let TalkLocal find you a maid service professional to tidy up the kitchen so you can stay in bed with soup and cute cat videos.