Posts Tagged ‘food’


Feed Your Body Right: 7 Ways for 7 Days

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

Feed Your Body Right: 7 Ways for 7 Days - Seva Call

If you haven’t been eating healthy this winter, we’ve got good news and bad news. First, the good news: it looks like you may have a few extra weeks to trim up the beach bod, assuming recent weather patterns are any indication. Now for the bad news: you haven’t been eating healthy and your body hates you, no matter what size it is. Fortunately, Mother Earth (in its infinite wisdom) has provided a plethora of ways to satisfy both your body and your taste buds. Here are 7 tasty treats that should be hitting your table and belly, so ten-hut!

1. Carrots

Bod boost: Carrots contain vitamin A which lowers blood pressure.

Belly bonus: Grated carrot salad with raisins, pineapple, and topped with yogurt is super delish.

2. Peanuts

Bod boost: Peanuts are a great source of protein.

Belly bonus: Homemade granola is a sweet crunch scoop of heaven. Check out this Honey Peanut Granola recipe.

3. Leafy Greens

Bod boost: A great source of fiber, vitamins/minerals, and helpful in heart disease and diabetes prevention.

Belly bonus: Try this Red and Green Lettuce with Cranberry Vinaigrette as a side to a healthy meal.

4. Raspberries:

Bod boost: Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Belly bonus: Just dump washed raspberries in a pitcher and fill with water. In three days, you’ll have a healthy punch that’s lower in sugar than most store-bought juice. Plus, it’s pretty; so use a glass pitcher!

5. Avocados:

Bod boost: Glutathione is an antioxidant that even slows the aging process.

Belly bonus: Avocados taste great sliced with olive oil, soy sauce, and toasted sesame oil drizzled on top.

6. Snap Peas:

Bod boost: Super low-cal with folate for heart health and lowered cholesterol.

Belly bonus: Add a dollop of hummus for a healthy dose of flavor.

7. Whole Grain

Bod boost: Fiber-infused to fight digestion problems.

Belly bonus: Whole wheat crackers are a great choice for a light midday meal when paired with any meat or cheese.

The first step to looking good is feeling good. So, fill your body with what it needs to be its best. And, if you need help getting that fuel and kicking your fitness routine into overdrive, visit TalkLocal to talk to one of your local personal trainers.