Posts Tagged ‘Frozen Pipes Prevention’


Frozen Pipes Prevention

Monday, February 17th, 2014

Frozen Pipes Prevention - Plumbers

Frozen pipes are a common problem during the cold season, so you want to be prepared in case this happens to you. The best approach to this issue is, of course, prevention. Here’s what you need to know about frozen pipes prevention and what to do in case your water pipes freeze.

Outdoor pipes, which are not insulated, and therefore exposed to cold weather, are likely to freeze. Also, pipes that are located in unheated spaces, such as the basement, crawl space, or garage, are prone to freezing. To prevent freezing, it’s important to act before winter settles in, or if you haven’t done it in due time, apply the necessary measures immediately to minimize risks.

Prevention Measures

1. Check outdoor water supply pipes. All pipes that are located in unheated spaces, including the garage, basement, or attic need to be properly insulated. You can use heat tape or other typical products that are specially designed to insulate exposed water pipes.

2. If you have a swimming pool, make sure you drain the water, as prompted by manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Drain the supply line of your water sprinkler, if you have one.

4. Drain and store outdoor hoses.

5. Insulate the water pipes in your garage, if there are any located in there, and avoid leaving the door open more than necessary.

6. Maintain a relatively constant temperature throughout the day; otherwise, pipes may freeze because of temperature variations.

7. Use the faucets that are connected to outdoor pipes. Water flowing through the pipe prevents freezing.

8. If you leave your house for several days during winter, don’t turn off the thermostat or you risk your pipes freezing.

How to Thaw a Frozen Pipe

If the water pressure drops suddenly, you might have a frozen pipe. Open the faucet and start thawing the frozen pipe. Use a hair dryer or a space heater to heat the frozen pipe. When the ice begins to melt, the water will start flowing, speeding the melting process.

In case you cannot locate the frozen pipe or if don’t have access to it, it’s advisable to call a plumber. Seva Call can connect you with reliable professionals in your local area in minutes.