Posts Tagged ‘Install Heating Ductwork’


Install Heating Ductwork

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

Install Heating Ductwork - Heating and Cooling

Properly installed, high-quality heating ducts can help you profit from considerable energy savings in the long run. You can choose to install heating ductwork on your own, by conducting a simple, time-effective DIY project, or you could hire a heating and cooling expert and let him do the heavy lifting. Here are a few easy steps that every do-it-yourselfer should follow, to attain excellent results.

1) Estimate How Much Material You Will Have to Use

Draw a sketch and take a few measurements and calculations to determine how much material you’ll have to purchase. Based on the ductwork layout, you could also estimate the amount of money that should be invested in this project.

Don’t hesitate to overestimate. Spare material could be used in the future, to conduct repairs or replacement projects.

2) Estimate the Amount of Heat that You’ll Need

How much heat do you actually need? Do some basic math to find out. Generally speaking, you will require 1 CFM (one cubic foot per minute) for every single square foot of a certain room that has to be to be heated up.

3) Opt for the Right Duct Size

To enhance the performance of your furnace, determine the ideal duct size. To experience considerable savings, you will have to factor in different elements, like for instance the number of vents, the size of your rooms, and also the duct length.

Buy the duct size that matches the ideal number of cubic feet per meter. Four-inch ducts are for 30 CFM, 6-inch ducts go with 110 CFM, 14-inch ducts correspond to 1,000 CFM and so on.

4) Cut and Assemble the Ducts

Cut the ducts to match your needs, by using a knife. Assemble them properly and don’t forget to seal them with duct tape to prevent heat losses. Insulate your ducts to avoid heat dissipation.

Ask an Expert

Can’t seem to be able to install heating ductwork on your own? If so, don’t hesitate to let a heating and cooling expert complete this project in a cost- and time-effective manner. Find the most respectable ones in your area with Seva Call, a free service introduced to help you meet the right professionals in just minutes.