Can you Change the Processor in a Macbook Pro

Can you Change the Processor in a Macbook Pro Computer Repair

Everyone loves speed — fast cars, fast food, fast computers, etc. Computers can be made quicker by upgrading the processor or increasing the RAM on the computer. At this point you may be thinking, can you change the processor in a MacBook Pro? The quick answer is yes, but it is extremely unadvisable because doing so voids your warranty and risks the condition of your laptop. Not all computers can have upgraded processors and the MacBook Pro is a part of that list.

Upgrading your MacBook Pro’s processor is a very complex process that the typical person (and even more seasoned techies) will not be able to follow. Apple chooses to solder their CPUs in their laptops rather than including a socket that would allow you to upgrade your processor (like most laptops have). This means that to upgrade your MacBook Pro’s CPU, you will have to open up your laptop. If you’re wondering why Apple does this, you won’t need to wonder much longer. Apple does this because not only does it force users to purchase a new machine rather than upgrading, but it also allows Apple to make their laptops slightly thinner.

In any case, the MacBook Pro’s processor is soldered onto the logic board and cannot be replaced, so unless you are in a destructive mood, we would not advise you to change the processor. Doing so will void your warranty instantly, meaning you will be held responsible for anything that may go wrong.

Of course, that’s not to say that changing the processor in a MacBook Pro is impossible, only very difficult. If you really wanted your MacBook Pro to have an upgraded processor, you could ask a computer repairman to take a look at it. If you’re searching for a capable and reputable computer repairman, consider using TalkLocal to find a capable and reputable computer repairman for you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, computer repair companies in your neighborhood within minutes. Just enter in your specific problem, location, and availability, and up to three companies will call YOU directly.

2 Responses to “Can you Change the Processor in a Macbook Pro”

  1. Zachariah Joseph Jacobsohn says:

    Lol. No html tags huh? So anyway I just wanted to thank you guys for your support and consitancy in helping me become a computer genius! I
    really wanted to buy my macbook pro and upgrade the processor afterwards and while every one else was saying that is was impossible, you guys told me just the way to get it upgraded. My next questions are:

    Can you do this on a macbook pro retina display (15.4″)
    Is it possible to replace the graphics card on a macbook pro retina display (15.4″)
    I love you guys and could you please answer my questions.


    • Steven says:

      We really appreciate the feedback, Zachariah! We try to be as helpful as possible 🙂

      Like all Macbooks, the Pro Retina Display’s processor is soldered into the casing, so it can be replaced, just not easily, and not without voiding the warranty. The graphics card is also soldered into the Pro Retina Display, making it extremely difficult to replace on your own.

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