Computer Spontaneously Shuts Off

Computer Spontaneously Shuts Off - Computer Repair

It can e very frustrating when your computer spontaneously shuts off, especially if you are working on an important task. This issue can be caused by a multitude of possibilities, and we have some solutions that may help get your computer working properly again.


If your computer spontaneously shuts off frequently, it may be overheating. Most computers today are designed to turn off automatically or restart if any device in the computer gets too hot. If you are hearing strange noises from your computer, such as humming or buzzing, this could mean that a fan is failing in your computer. You can troubleshoot your fan, or even clean your computer of dust to prevent it from overheating and shutting down.

Faulty Hardware

Any failing hardware component inside your computer can cause your computer to shutdown without warning. If you recently installed a hardware device, remove it to make sure it is not causing these issues problems. You can also attempt to remove any hardware from your computer that is not needed. If removing hardware keeps your computer from shutting down on its own, the issue is likely resolved.

Computer Virus

It’s possible that your computer is infected with a virus that is causing your computer to constantly shut off. If your computer turns off when launching a certain program or at specific times during the day, it could be a virus problem. Run a virus detection program, and try to clean out your computer of unwanted trojans or malware.

Issue with the Operating System

If you checked all of the above issues and your computer still continues to shut off by itself, you could possibly be experiencing a Microsoft Windows operating system-related issue. Try out these easy steps to determine if your operating system causes your computer to spontaneously shut off:

1.      Reboot the computer and enter CMOS setup while the computer is starting

2.      After loading the computer in CMOS setup, let it sit.

If the computer doesn’t turn off while in CMOS, you are most likely facing an issue with Microsoft Windows or your OS. You should erase everything and reinstall Windows or your OS.

Computer Troubles?

If the issue persists after trying all of these things, let TalkLocal find the right professional for you, when you need them most. We will connect you with up to three, high-quality computer repair technicians in your area. Check us out!

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