Auto Key Won’t Turn In Ignition

Auto Key Won't Turn In Ignition - Auto Repair

One of the most frustrating things during the morning rush is finally getting in your car only to find that your auto key won’t turn in ignition.  While this problem is usually rare, don’t panic. In most cases, the problem is really minor and you’ll first want to do some basic troubleshooting before trying to call a professional.

Do You Have The Right Key?

While this may seem obvious, but this can be quite common for people who own more than one car.  It happens sometimes when you’re in a rush or running behind schedule, so make sure you’re using the correct key.  You may also want to take the time to check that your key isn’t damaged or bent, as your key needs to be firmly seated all the way in the ignition before it can turn.  Try using a spare key and see whether it makes a difference.

Is Your Car In The Right Gear?

Depending on your vehicle and its transmission, your vehicle usually needs to be in either Neutral (for manuals) or Park (for automatics) before it can start. Be sure that you are in the correct gear before starting your car.

Is Your Steering Wheel Properly Aligned?

Oftentimes, vehicles need to have the ignition and the steering column in a precise position before being able to start the car.  In order to do this, you’ll first want to insert your key and begin to apply turning pressure on the key.  Shift the steering wheel back and forth until you find the “free spot” where your key can turn in the ignition.  You may need to apply considerable pressure or give your steering wheel a good yank before it actually moves.

Is Your Car Still Not Starting?

If none of the above tips helped to solve your ignition problem, you may want to contact an auto repair professional to take a look at your ignition and give you a personalized assessment.  Save yourself the hassle of searching and use TalkLocal, so that you can talk to high-quality, local mechanics in just minutes!

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