Pellet Stoves vs Wood Stoves

Pellet Stoves vs Wood Stoves - Heating and Cooling

Some of the newest, most sophisticated heating systems are not always received with great enthusiasm by potential buyers who choose to rediscover the advantages provided by simpler, greener, and more economical residential heating solutions.

Most prospects are striving to solve the pellet stoves vs wood stoves dilemma by consulting various sources of information. Keep reading to discover which type of stove would actually be suitable for your own property.

Pellet Stove vs Wood Stove

Should you buy a pellet stove or should you invest in a wood stove? To simplify your decision-making process, analyze the pros and cons of both types of stove, in terms of installation costs, maintenance, operating costs, fuel requirements, back-up options in case of power outages,  emissions, and various other aspects that might matter to you.

Installation Costs

Both types of stoves usually require professional installations. However, wood stoves demand a fully insulated, complex chimney system. Pellet stoves only need a small-scale, simple, inexpensive chimney system and thus, trigger reduced installations costs.

Operating Costs

Wood stoves can burn fire logs and scrap wood. On the other hand, pellet stoves only burn wood pellets.

In order to determine how much you would actually have to spend on fuel supplies, you have to evaluate how long they would last. Nonetheless, differences in operating costs become negligible for families requiring more than three tons of wood pellets.


It’s always easier to clean pellet stoves, because you don’t have to sweep wood chip or bark all day long. Moreover, pellet stoves produce a reduced amount of emissions and ash.

Back-up Options in Case of a Power Outage

Pellet stoves stop functioning when the power goes off. You’d have to purchase a back-up generator to address this impediment. On the other hand, wood stoves continue to heat up your room even during power outages.

Ask an Expert

Can’t solve the old pellet stove vs wood stove dilemma on your own? In this case, discuss your options with a reliable heating and cooling expert. Find the best one in your area with TalkLocal, your trusted, free service designed to help you meet dependable professionals in your area.

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