Tea Tree Oil Benefits

Tea Tree Oil Benefits - Massage Therapy

Tea tree oil is an effective natural remedy for many ailments, due to its curative properties in fighting infections. It is a powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral, which is used in a wide spectrum of conditions.

Tea tree oil should not be confused with tea oil. They come from different plants and have different uses. Tea tree oil is extracted from a plant which is native to Australia, and has been used for a long time by the Aboriginal people on the Eastern Australian coast as an antiseptic in treating various skin problems.

What Are the Most Important Tea Tree Oil Benefits?

Topical Application

Tea tree oil is an effective antiseptic and can be applied on the skin to heal a number of conditions, including:

– Acne

– Blisters

– Warts

– Rashes

– Sun Burns

– Herpes

– Skin Irritation

Oral Care

Used as mouthwash in a water mixture, tea tree oil can remove bad breath, plaque, and can reduce gum inflammation. It can also prevent infections associated with dental surgery. However, it is important to use tea tree oil as directed, and never more than indicated. Tea tree oil should never be swallowed undiluted, because it can have serious side effects due to its powerful ingredients.

Tea Tree Oil Inhalations

Tea tree oil is also used to alleviate or cure respiratory problems, such as sore throat, asthma, and bronchitis. Used in steam inhalations, tea tree oil can cure sore throat and laryngitis, can eliminate mucus, and destroy throat or chest infections. Inhalations are done by pouring a few tea tree oil drops in hot water, and then inhaling the vapors, after covering your head with a towel and leaning over a bowl filled with hot water.

Avoid taking tea tree oil in pure form under any circumstances, because it can cause serious side effects.

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