Posts Tagged ‘Attic Insulation Types’


Attic Insulation Types

Monday, January 20th, 2014

Attic Insulation Types - Handyman

Homeowners who want to limit their heat losses and experience considerable energy savings in the long run often choose to insulate their attics. This is a relatively small investment, compared to the benefits that it brings.

Nonetheless, it is important to opt for high-quality materials with a superior R-value, which will keep your house warm in the winter and cold during summer. Keep reading to discover more about some of the most common attic insulation types currently available on the market.

Most Popular Attic Insulation Types

Blown-in insulation, also known as loose-fill insulation, represents one of the most common types of insulating materials. It is made from mineral wool, cellulose, or fiberglass and various other kinds of recycled materials. Its installation process usually requires special tools, so this task is normally conducted by certified professionals. After a certain period of time, this material can lose up to 20% of its effectiveness, as it becomes compact.

Blanket insulation is also another popular choice. The main advantage is that the installation can be completed by do-it-yourself-ers in no time. Moreover, this material represents a mix of fiberglass and natural and synthetic fibers, and it is extremely affordable compared to other premium attic insulation types.

Weatherize Your Home the Right Way

In some cases, apart from purchasing and installing great insulation, you will also need to take care of cracks and energy-wasting gaps that may appear at some points in your attic. To cover them in an effective manner and minimize heat losses, use spray foam, caulking, or plastic sheeting.

Ask an Expert

Looking for more info on the best attic insulation types? In this case, just discuss your options with a heating and cooling expert. Find the right one with Seva Call, your free connection to the best professionals in town.