Posts Tagged ‘Clothes Stained by Iron’


What to Do about Clothes Stained by Iron

Friday, December 13th, 2013

What to Do about Clothes Stained by Iron - Tailors

Brownish or yellowish marks on clothing can be very unpleasant. Iron stains are sometimes stubborn and simply won’t come out. Let’s see what you can do about it, how you can address this issue, and get rid of the quizzical, multicolored patterns on your favorite white shirt.

3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts When It Comes to Clothes Stained by Iron

 The 3 Do’s

1. Use vinegar.

2. Rub from the exterior to the interior of the stain.

3. Machine wash your garment after the removal of the stain, if allowed.

The 3 Don’ts

1. Don’t postpone examining your clothes. The earlier you discover a stain, the greater the chances of getting rid of it successfully.

2. Don’t forget to check the label in order to be sure that you can wash the item.

3. Don’t expose the stain to heat. This will fix it into the texture of the material.

How Should You Get Rid of The Stains?

As soon as you discover the iron stain on your piece of clothing, put some detergent on it and leave it to soak for a while. Then start rubbing the stain out using a chemical product or natural alternatives, such as vinegar or lemon juice. Vinegar is an excellent stain remover. You can leave your item of clothing in the vinegar mixture overnight or just a few hours.

When blotting up, start from the outer parts and proceed to the center of the stain – that is how you will prevent the stain from spreading. Rinse thoroughly when you’re done rubbing. If the indications on the label allow it, you may also wash the garment after having removed the stain.

Need Help?

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