Posts Tagged ‘Granite Mailbox Post’


Why Install Granite Mailbox Post?

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Why Install Granite Mailbox Post? - Handyman

Usually, when people mention granite, what they have in mind are stylish and expensive kitchen countertops. However, granite is so much more versatile and can actually be used outside of the house right in your yard to boost your home’s curb appeal.

You can incorporate granite in your yard in several ways, without having to do a major landscape makeover. Some wonderful granite additions include granite benches, steps, and even birdbaths. One easy way to add a classy touch to your yard would be to install granite mailbox post to replace your existing wooden or metal one.

Benefits of Granite

After this winter, there’s no better time to fully appreciate the reasons why you would want to install a granite mailbox post. With a granite post, you no longer have to worry about the snowplows destroying your mailbox, which is obviously a risk with wooden posts. Obviously, granite makes an extremely durable mailbox post. It’s a hard rock with coarse grains and consists of interconnecting minerals. Once you install a granite mailbox post properly, it’s meant to be there in your front yard for good.

Aside from being naturally beautiful, granite weathers remarkably well over time. Moreover, granite requires very little upkeep and maintenance. So, it stays undamaged by ice melting substances, like mineral rock salt and melting crystals. To clean your granite mailbox post, simply brush it with a stiff scrub brush and soapy water.

Buying a Granite Mailbox Post

Most people have a mistaken belief that anything made of granite is pricey. In the case of granite mailbox posts, this is simply not true. They can be affordable if you buy from a large producer of granite products. Although light gray is the typical color associated with granite, it is actually available in other colors such as dark gray, almost black, and light shades of pink. There are also various options when it comes to finishes, including the standard rough or thermal finish, rock face, or sawed. Your granite supplier may also offer custom lettering to add your street number or family name on your mailbox post.

Let a Pro Install Your Granite Mailbox Post

If you would like to ensure proper mailbox post installation, call a professional handyman. TalkLocal will search for and connect you with three professionals who can install your mailbox post the right way. Try our easy-to-use and free service now!