Air Conditioner Alternatives

Air Conditioner Alternatives Heating and Cooling

If you don’t have an air conditioner, are paying too much for central A/C, or just want to find some air conditioner alternatives to keep your house cool during the summer months, you have a few options:

– Try setting up some small and/or standing fans around your house. Turn on your ceiling fans if you have them.

– Make sure to close your windows, blinds, and curtains during the day to keep the warm air out and the cool air in during the hottest hours.

– Fill up a glass bowl full of ice and place it in front of a fan. As the ice melts, the fan will create a chilled breeze throughout the area.

– Try taking a spare bed sheet, spray it with cold water, and put it up in front of an open window. The incoming breeze with blow through the sheet and create a nice, cool breeze.

– Cut down on activities that use up a large amount of electricity and create heat (i.e. turn off computers when not in use, air dry your clothes instead of using a dryer, or hand wash dishes instead of using a dishwasher)

– You can even consider getting ceiling fans installed. While the upfront installation costs may be steep, it can be a considerably less expensive option to central A/C.

If none of these alternatives work for you, you can find reputable HVAC specialists through TalkLocal. Contact them if you want to install a ceiling fan or if your A/C is broken and you need someone to come take a look. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you directly with HVAC businesses in your neighborhood. Once you enter your location, availability, and problem into the service request form online, they will be with you on the phone with solutions for you!

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