How to Remove Tree Roots


Trees play a critical role on our planet. They are responsible for providing us with food and oxygen, they filter our air and make Earth livable for humans, and they preserve soil and support wildlife. In short, trees are an essential part of our lives and deserve our respect. However, sometimes, trees become cumbersome and difficult to manage when they become too big and get in the way of other things you may want to grow. Alternatively, a tree can break due to a storm, leaving just the stump and roots remaining. With either of these situations, removing roots may be necessary. Unfortunately, removing a tree’s roots, especially older, larger trees, can be a tough, long process. Luckily, this is the perfect article to read if you want to know how to remove tree roots.

Since the first step to removing roots is to remove the stump, you will want to make sure this has been removed before proceeding. If you haven’t yet completed this step, go here to learn how. Removing tree roots requires the proper equipment, meaning a shovel/hoe and a chainsaw/ax/loppers.

Once you have gathered all your materials, the next step is to expose all the outlying roots. Dig around the base until the roots are exposed. Then, use your root-cutting equipment (chainsaw, ax, or loppers) to cut the tree roots. The key to root removal is to dig all around the roots, including underneath them, to make it easier to cut the roots. The best way of cutting thicker roots is to make a clean cut in a circular shape around the different sides of the root to join the incisions into one large incision. Also, cut smaller roots before moving on to larger roots. This will allow you to remove older and thicker tree roots that have had time to grow.

Once you have finished digging and cutting, you will have a large hole in your ground where roots used to be. To make the land fertile again, clean away any old fragments of root or stump. Then, place soil and/or sod to ensure the area returns to its previous glamour.

If you need help removing your tree stump or roots, consider using TalkLocal to find a tree removal specialist for you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, tree removal companies in your neighborhood within minutes. Just enter in your specific problem, location, and availability, and up to three companies will call YOU directly, saving you the time and stress of finding one yourself.

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