Posts Tagged ‘affordable electric heating’


Cheap Electric Heating

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Cheap Electric Heating - Heating and Cooling

Most people dream about improving their level of comfort at home, while reducing their utility bills. Does this sound like a mission impossible to you? Keep reading to discover useful information on modern, efficient electric heaters and check out the rules of cheap electric heating to get more bang for your buck.

Find the Best Type of Electric Heaters for Your Home

These days, one can easily purchase and install a wide range of wall-mounted or portable electric heaters for indoor spaces. You should know that kerosene and gas space heaters are less recommended, due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Electric heaters turn electricity into heat and are considered a safer alternative. They are also quiet and clean.

Most types of electric heater have a few things in common:

– They manage to warm up a small indoor space over a relatively short period of time (30 to 60 minutes).

– They display price tags ranging from $40 for a basic model to $250 for an oil-filled baseboard heater.

– They heat up the room gradually and don’t blow pollutants (pollen, dust, debris) in the air.

Follow the Rules of Cheap Electric Heating

Convenient, safe, electric radiant heaters based on heated elements, or convection heaters based on fans, can help you benefit from ideal temperatures during the cold season, without having to break the bank to pay your energy bills.

If you want to save energy costs, all you have to do is to follow these simple guidelines on cheap electric heating. If you only need to heat a relatively small indoor area, an electric space heater is definitely an option worth considering. Do you have to rely on central heating? If so, just keep your thermostat low and use it only when you are forced to face unfriendly temperatures. Insulate the walls of your room properly and place rugs on your bare floors to limit heat loss.

Ask an Expert

When it comes to discovering the benefits of cheap electric heating systems for your home, you may feel the need to rely on expert guidance provided by a heating and cooling specialist. Identify and contact the right one, by consulting TalkLocal, a free service introduced to simplify your life and guarantee the success of all your home improvement projects.