Posts Tagged ‘heating’


What is HVAC certification?

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

HVAC certification

If you’re asking this question and you’re an aspiring home technician, you may want to keep reading. The Environmental Protection Agency requires that anyone who performs maintenance, service, repair and disposal of refrigerants must be heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) certified. Certification involves passing an exam which focuses on different content depending on the degree of certification you wish to attain. There are 4 different levels of certification and each one tests you on certain types of HVAC related jobs. What is HVAC certification? Let’s break it down.

Type 1 certification

 HVAC technicians who primarily deal with small appliances like vending machines, window air conditioners, and domestic refrigerators are required to have this type of certification.

Type 2 certification

HVAC technicians who repair and dispose of equipment with high pressure refrigerants need to be cleared with type 2 certification. This means if you work with residential air conditioners, heat pumps, industrial refrigerators and the process of refrigeration in general, you need to have this certification.

Type 3 certification

HVAC technicians working with the disposal or service of equipment with low pressure refrigerants, like chillers, need to acquire type 3 certification.

Universal certification

If you plan on working with all of these types of HVAC equipment, you need universal certification. To acquire this clearance, you must pass the standardized EPA exam which includes 100 multiple choice questions in the following areas:

·         25 core questions

·         25 Type I questions

·         25 Type II questions

·         25 Type III questions

If you pass the universal certification exam, you will be clear to service all kinds of HVAC equipment.

How to train for HVAC certification

If you’re seeking certification in HVAC, you have two options for training. You may attend a wide array of vocational or technical schools which provide training, or you can become an apprentice to a full-fledged HVAC technician. Before taking the test, exam providers generally expect a candidate to have at least 1 year of installation experience and 2 years of maintenance and repair experience.

Here at TalkLocal we understand the importance of connecting our customers with only the most qualified technicians. All heating and cooling specialists we hire go through the rigorous HVAC certification process and are skilled, competent, hard-working individuals who can handle the jobs we send them.




Cheap Ways to Heat Your Home

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

Cheap Ways to Heat Your Home - Heating and Cooling

The month of January has brought record-shattering low temperatures to many parts of the United States. Many families are struggling to find cost-effective ways to heat their homes without breaking the bank. As the weather continues to worsen, you could consider using these cheap ways to heat your home this winter.

Seal Around Your Doors and Windows

Covering areas around your door with towels or a makeshift draft dodger can make a big difference. Preventing cold drafts from entering can drastically raise the temperature in the areas of the home near that door.

You can also hang blankets and towels around your windows, or tape the frames, to keep drafts from leaking through the windows.

Put Down a Rug or Carpet

Rugs and carpets items help prevent heat loss through the floor. They offer a warmer surface to walk on and are a great way to stay comfortable on wood or stone floors.

Install Insulation in the Attic and the Crawl Space

Warm air rises, so a lot of heat escapes through the attic. By losing this heat, you could continue to raise the thermostat. However, this would cause you to lose a lot of money and still not sufficiently heat your home.

Speak with a Heating Expert

Does the house you live in have enough insulation to make it through the winter? Seva Call can help you track down the right professional to make sure your home is prepared for the many cold days ahead. Call now, so we can connect you with a reputable professional who can help you stay warm for the remainder of the season.

Eco Electric Heating System Guide

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Eco Electric Heating System Guide - Heating and Cooling

With concerns over climate change and dwindling fossil fuel supplies, people are being forced to rethink the way things are done. This includes methods for home heating.

Today, architects and builders are designing and constructing homes with excellent insulation and less energy consumption in mind. Eco electric heating systems are perfectly geared towards the global need for cleaner forms of energy.

Eco-Friendly Technology

One revolutionary eco electric heating system is underfloor heating, which uses radiant heat to slowly warm a floor surface. It is ecologically friendly and economical, particularly if the eco electric heating system uses renewable eco-friendly fuel sources such as hydropower and wind. The idea behind underfloor heating systems has been around for centuries, but developments in this technology have produced a system that is designed to warm homes without contributing to environmental deterioration.

Reduces Energy Waste

Underfloor heating is an excellent eco electric heating system, because it offers the advantage of local heating, allowing individual room temperatures to be adjusted according to the daily need for heating throughout the seasons. Because warmth is focused exactly where and when it is needed, energy is not wasted.

Heat Retention

Another feature of underfloor heating systems is heat retention, which is crucial to energy efficiency. Eco electric heating can retain heat for a long time after the power supply has been turned off. It may take some time to heat up, but it also takes longer to lose heat, so you can remain warm for some time after turning off the power.

This is possible because of the insulation boards that are embedded on the subfloor below the heating system. With the boards reflecting heat upwards, there is no lost heat, meaning reduced running times and energy use.

Consult with a Heating Professional

By choosing eco electric heating for your home, you’re doing your bit to slow the change in our climate. A heating professional can help you understand more about underfloor heating and advise you on its suitability for your home. TalkLocal is a free service that can connect you quickly with reputable professionals in your area. Try Seva Call now!

Wood Stove Heating Benefits

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

Wood Stove Heating Benefits - Heating and Cooling

Wood stove heating makes for a cozy home during winter. In fact, a lot of people say that wood stove heating is warmer than any other heat, and though this may sound impossible, it may be true on a psychological level.

Using a wood stove as a heating device has many advantages. Some people claim that it produces a cozier atmosphere than central heating gas in a home. Wood stoves are old-fashioned ways of warming up, but they are tried and true. The fact that they have been around for so long and are still in use today is testament to their popularity.

Benefits of Wood Stove Heating

First off, it is cheaper to buy wood than any other fuel source. Oil prices are hiking and oil furnaces are hard to install, and this makes it costly to heat your home using oil. Electricity, too, is one of the most costly ways to heat your home.

Additionally, if you have wood from your own property, you can get your fuel for free. Not only does this save you money, but gathering and chopping wood is good exercise for you and your family. Wood is also a renewable source of energy that you can harvest around your property when you need it. This also adds to the economic value of wood as heating fuel.

Lastly, using wood stove heating makes one feel self-sufficient. If you live in the suburbs and have access to wood, then you don’t need to rely on gas and oil lines for heating. Using wood brings a person back to the basics of living and makes one feel as if they can survive without relying too much on modern technology.

Need Advice?

Contact TalkLocal today for advice on wood stoves! We can get a professional to help you within minutes of placing your call!

Cheap Electric Heating

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Cheap Electric Heating - Heating and Cooling

Most people dream about improving their level of comfort at home, while reducing their utility bills. Does this sound like a mission impossible to you? Keep reading to discover useful information on modern, efficient electric heaters and check out the rules of cheap electric heating to get more bang for your buck.

Find the Best Type of Electric Heaters for Your Home

These days, one can easily purchase and install a wide range of wall-mounted or portable electric heaters for indoor spaces. You should know that kerosene and gas space heaters are less recommended, due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Electric heaters turn electricity into heat and are considered a safer alternative. They are also quiet and clean.

Most types of electric heater have a few things in common:

– They manage to warm up a small indoor space over a relatively short period of time (30 to 60 minutes).

– They display price tags ranging from $40 for a basic model to $250 for an oil-filled baseboard heater.

– They heat up the room gradually and don’t blow pollutants (pollen, dust, debris) in the air.

Follow the Rules of Cheap Electric Heating

Convenient, safe, electric radiant heaters based on heated elements, or convection heaters based on fans, can help you benefit from ideal temperatures during the cold season, without having to break the bank to pay your energy bills.

If you want to save energy costs, all you have to do is to follow these simple guidelines on cheap electric heating. If you only need to heat a relatively small indoor area, an electric space heater is definitely an option worth considering. Do you have to rely on central heating? If so, just keep your thermostat low and use it only when you are forced to face unfriendly temperatures. Insulate the walls of your room properly and place rugs on your bare floors to limit heat loss.

Ask an Expert

When it comes to discovering the benefits of cheap electric heating systems for your home, you may feel the need to rely on expert guidance provided by a heating and cooling specialist. Identify and contact the right one, by consulting TalkLocal, a free service introduced to simplify your life and guarantee the success of all your home improvement projects.

Choosing Plumbing Heating Contractors

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Choosing Plumbing Heating Contractors - Plumbers

When you have any service performed in your home, the inevitable consequence is that you have to live with the result. That’s why, when you need to call in plumbing heating contractors, you should make sure you can live with the outcome of their work. Otherwise, you’ll end up wasting money and sacrificing your household’s comfort and safety because of shoddy workmanship.

Whether you’re making over your bathroom or need a simple repair, do yourself a favor by hiring qualified and trained plumbing heating contractors instead of any part-time handyman you can find in your neighborhood.

Here are some questions to ask when searching for a reliable service professional:

Is the contractor reputable?

One way to find out is to ask your local Better Business Bureau (BBB) if any complaints have been reported against the contractor. Also, check other resources such as consumer protection agencies and customer references. The latter are particularly great sources of helpful information about a contractor’s work quality.

Is the business stable?

Ask how long the business has been in operation. This will let you know the level of experience and expertise you’ll be dealing with.

Is the contractor properly licensed?

One of the most important things to check when choosing a plumbing professional is whether they have all the proper local licenses. Many states and cities require plumbing heating contractors to be licensed. If this is the case in your state, ask for the license number of the contractor.
Is the contractor adequately insured?

Verify the insurance credentials of the contractor. Ask to see proof of their workmen’s compensation and liability insurance. If they are not insured, you could be held liable for any accidents that happen to your property or to the technician during the performance of the job.

How much do they charge?

Aside from the qualities mentioned above, you also want to choose a contractor that charges a reasonable price. Request a quote to get an idea of their overall cost. However, try to put the quality of the contractor first before their fees.

Get Help Finding the Right Professional

TalkLocal can help you locate plumbing heating contractors within your area with all the proper qualifications. Send us your request and we’ll do the research work for you at no cost. Then, we’ll send three local professionals to you so you can make the final choice. Easy, quick, and free – try TalkLocal now!