Posts Tagged ‘flower bed’


Flower Bed Borders Made Easy

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Flower Bed Borders Made Easy - Landscapers

If you’re looking for ways to improve the appearance of your garden, you might want to start with your flower beds. You can enhance their overall look by making some flower bed borders to get neater patterns and protect the plants. Flower bed borders keep mulch and soil from spreading away from plants and don’t allow weeds and gravel to get near them. Here are some tips on how to make flower bed borders.

There are many types of materials you can use to make your flower bed borders, and deciding which to choose comes down to personal preference, the effect you want to achieve, and how much money you’re willing to spend on the project.

Wood Borders

You can make wood borders for your flower beds by using rot-resistant, treated wood and cutting it into pieces. You can cut the wood in symmetrical or asymmetrical sizes, depending on the effect you want to create. Place the pieces of wood around the flower beds, then tamp the soil to settle the edging.

Bender Board

This landscaping material, which looks like wood, is generally made of plastic and is sold in rolls. It’s more durable than wood and adapts well to harsh weather conditions. Bender board is not difficult to install and takes the shape you want. Unlike wood borders, which require repainting to prevent rotting, bender board requires no maintenance.

Metal Borders

Another way to make flower bed borders is with the use of metal. This is a more expensive alternative for making borders for your garden beds, but it’s also the most durable. Metal can be painted and shaped according to your wish.

Metal borders can be easily installed in soft soil by tapping them gently with a wooden hammer. If the soil near the flower bed is hard, it’s best to dig a trench, then insert the metal borders, and fill the trench with soil.

Stone Borders

Stone is a great material for making flower bed borders, but it’s also pricier than others. Stone lasts forever, and if you want to make your garden look as natural as possible, this might be the best choice. As a cheaper and more versatile alternative to stone, you can opt for bricks or even concrete borders.

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