Posts Tagged ‘landscape’


Weed Control Tips: Making Dead Weeds Stay Dead

Monday, September 21st, 2015

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Even after a neighbor sent a picture teasing Brian and Amber about their unruly lawn while mockingly suggesting that she (the neighbor) was embarrassed to merely walk her dog pass the home let alone live next door, it was weeks before the new homeowner’s found time to finally start that long overdue garden weed control project.

“While weeding, I found nesting birds, mating crickets, and a praying mantis living in the thriving new ecosystem my negligence had created”

–  Amber from Pennsylvania (via email)

What’s worse: they soon realized that their tactics simply weren’t the best way to control weeds. In other words, their time, effort, countless little pin pricks, and allergic reactions had been all but wasted as their garden quickly succumbed to out of control weeds.

“The weeds are coming back with a vengeance. It’s as if our work  had only paved the way to an era more wild than the last. We feel overwhelmed,” wrote Amber.

Well, Amber, the phrase “grow like weeds” is a truism for a reason. So, if you want to reduce the resilience of your weeds to something you can keep up with and manage, then follow these weed control tips:

Nip It In The Bud: Don’t have time for a major weeding session? Amber and Brian would have fewer weeds to deal with if they had simply removed the flower heads every week using gardening scissors or hedges. Flowers lay down new seeds and help spark rebirth.

Don’t Neglect the Roots: Of course, if you neglect the root network, then our weed problem will only grow more entrenched over time. Dig deep when weeding and pull the weeds from as close to the root as possible. In addition, find and dispose of lone root fragments because they actually may flower.

Break Up The Soil: To make uprooting less labor intensive, ensure that the ground is moist from either your sprinklers or a recent rain shower. Then, use a shovel to break up the soil in areas where the roots may be especially deep.

Apply Herbicide at the Right TimeAerating the lawn after applying weed control could render the herbicide inefficient. That is why you must aerate the lawn prior to applying the herbicide.

Get the Right Herbicide: Furthermore, when you choose your herbicide, don’t forget to carefully read the instructions on the label to make sure that you choose the right one for the weeds in your yard.

Repeat: Excessive rain or lack of it can neutralize the effect of herbicide, and weeds will start germinating. This is why you might need to apply pre-emergent herbicide repeatedly.

Ground Cover: Sunlight-starved seeds and root networks will have a harder time growing in uncovered ground. Landscape fabric, mulch, or mulch alternative layered to about two inches in thickness should be strategically placed to allow sunlight where plant growth is desired.

Brian and Amber have a lot of work ahead of them despite their efforts. Fortunately, with these weed removal tips in mind, they have the knowledge to produce lasting results in their lawn. However, if you don’t have the time to go through these steps and need someone to take care of those pesky weeds for you, TalkLocal will connect you with a local pro who will make those pesky weeds history.

Ready to Take the Plunge? Consider Installing a Glass Walled Swimming Pool

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Ready to Take the Plunge? Consider Installing a ‘Glass Walled’ Swimming Pool - Handyman

It’s the dream of many a new home owner to complete the picturesque yard with your very own pool. Catering for exercise enthusiasts, groups of giggling children, and party guests the swimming pool add a whole new level of functionality to a property adding to its value and desirability whilst cutting family expenses on trips to the public pool or pricey water parks.

Glass Walled Swimming Pools

One of the best designs has to be the glass walled swimming pool. Just think of the great action photos you can capture without an underwater camera. So, if you’re thinking about taking the plunge and installing a pool, consider the glass walled designs.

Undeniably, pools enhance the view of anybody’s house and make it more inviting to the guests, especially when it also allows viewing the surroundings whilst swimming or view happy swimmers under the water. Pools with glass windows have gained popularity globally for their great aesthetics and entertainment value.

The style of pool you choose is dependent on many factors but if children are likely to use the pool, a glass walled installation is recommended. Giving a much clearer observation of the swimmers, glass walled pools are much safer and should a problem occur it may be spotted earlier on, saving lives.

One overlooked benefit of a transparent pool is that it allows for better observation for coaching young swimming learners. Having a great view of your student moving through the water can hugely benefit the constructive feedback you give.

Let’s take a look at the benefits:

1.     Safety

2.     A better view of both the interior and the exterior of the pool

3.     Quicker installation

4.     Easier to clean

5.     Modern look and feel

6.     Provides diving coaches an unobstructed view

7.     It makes smaller pools look spacious as it introduces more light

8.     An elegant and stunning appeal

9.     Easy to facilitate video/photographing underwater

10.  Provides a new and exciting swimming experience

Professional Installation

The certified engineers at Premium Pools can assist you in choosing the right design, measurement and glass thickness. You can also add exciting water features to make your swimming experience more enjoyable.

Premium Pools has an extremely high customer satisfaction rate and offers warranty and after sales support. So, call now or visit the website at

For any questions regarding installation or maintenance of a swimming pool, use TalkLocal to be connected with a reliable professional in your area in just minutes.

Flower Bed Borders Made Easy

Wednesday, November 20th, 2013

Flower Bed Borders Made Easy - Landscapers

If you’re looking for ways to improve the appearance of your garden, you might want to start with your flower beds. You can enhance their overall look by making some flower bed borders to get neater patterns and protect the plants. Flower bed borders keep mulch and soil from spreading away from plants and don’t allow weeds and gravel to get near them. Here are some tips on how to make flower bed borders.

There are many types of materials you can use to make your flower bed borders, and deciding which to choose comes down to personal preference, the effect you want to achieve, and how much money you’re willing to spend on the project.

Wood Borders

You can make wood borders for your flower beds by using rot-resistant, treated wood and cutting it into pieces. You can cut the wood in symmetrical or asymmetrical sizes, depending on the effect you want to create. Place the pieces of wood around the flower beds, then tamp the soil to settle the edging.

Bender Board

This landscaping material, which looks like wood, is generally made of plastic and is sold in rolls. It’s more durable than wood and adapts well to harsh weather conditions. Bender board is not difficult to install and takes the shape you want. Unlike wood borders, which require repainting to prevent rotting, bender board requires no maintenance.

Metal Borders

Another way to make flower bed borders is with the use of metal. This is a more expensive alternative for making borders for your garden beds, but it’s also the most durable. Metal can be painted and shaped according to your wish.

Metal borders can be easily installed in soft soil by tapping them gently with a wooden hammer. If the soil near the flower bed is hard, it’s best to dig a trench, then insert the metal borders, and fill the trench with soil.

Stone Borders

Stone is a great material for making flower bed borders, but it’s also pricier than others. Stone lasts forever, and if you want to make your garden look as natural as possible, this might be the best choice. As a cheaper and more versatile alternative to stone, you can opt for bricks or even concrete borders.

Need Help with Your Garden?

If you need assistance with your gardening projects, TalkLocal can give you a hand. We can put you in touch with experienced landscapers in minutes, for free!

Build A Raised Garden Bed

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Build A Raised Garden Bed - Landscapers

If you want to add a bit of personality and beauty to your yard and garden, consider building a raised flower bed. Raised flower beds are convenient because they can be made in any shape and size and can be used almost anywhere. If you want to build a raised garden bed, follow these instructions.


Choosing the perfect location to build a raised garden bed is essential for growing healthy plants. The location you choose should depend on the type of plants you want to grow.

Some plants prefer the sun, while others prefer the shade. You will need to build your box so that the plants have adequate sunlight.


Before you plant anything, you need to test the soil in your raised flower bed. Your soil should be rich in nutrients and capable of nurturing the plants. You can use potting soil, fertilizer, and plant food to help make your soil appropriate for the types of plants you want to have in your garden.


Just like a regular garden, a raised flower bed will need proper maintenance. When you build a raised garden bed, you will need to make sure that it allows the water to drain properly. You will also need to make the garden bed easy to access. Don’t build it too large or you will not be able to reach your plants easily, and you may have to walk in the garden to water or care for them.

If you decide to build a raised garden bed, be sure to consider the points above. Plan out the design of your raised garden before you build it to make sure it will work in the desired location.

Once your flowers or plants start to grow, you will have a beautiful and functional addition to your home and yard.

Talk Local Connects You With Help

Whether you are in search of a landscaper or a general handyman, TalkLocal has your back. We are your connection to local service professionals. We get you results in only minutes, connecting you on the phone with someone who can help.

Metal Or Wooden Arbor

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

Metal Or Wooden Arbor - Landscapers

An arbor is a classy, elegant touch to any landscape. This popular garden structure has been used by many for aesthetic purposes. Because they are so common, they come in a myriad of styles and can be made out of metal, wood, or even vinyl.

Deciding whether you want a metal or wooden arbor simply boils down to personal taste. While both of these types of arbors come with advantages and disadvantages, neither are heavy enough where they should sway your decision.

Maybe these insights could help you decide whether to go with a metal or wooden arbor.

Wooden Arbors

– These bring with them a more natural feel that tends to mesh better with many landscapes.

– Some might argue that wooden arbors do not hold up as long as metal arbors. This depends on the quality of the arbor. A well-constructed wooden arbor can last just as long as its metal counterpart.

– You can purchase or build an arbor out of a variety of woods. Some wood has more distinct color than others. You can always paint the arbor, too.

Metal Arbors

– These also carry with them a rustic feel that fit well with certain landscape designs and motifs.

– Detractors will tell you that metal arbors will rust, making them the inferior option. This only happens if you do not properly maintain your arbor. You can apply primer and paint to a metal arbor, which will avoid this common pitfall.

– Metal arbors come in many ornate designs, which provides you with a number of options.

Do not put too much thought into a metal or wooden arbor. Simply go with your gut and choose what works best for your landscape. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters.

Get An Arbor For Your Landscape

Some landscapers specialize in installing special features in your yard. To find one, use TalkLocal. Just tell us what you’re looking for in a service professional, and we’ll find you a handful of them in your own back yard. We’ll also get you on the phone with them so you can get to work.

Backyard Privacy Landscaping

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Backyard Privacy Landscaping - Landscapers

Are you looking to get more privacy or hide unwanted views in your backyard? It’s always nice to feel like your backyard is hidden from the view of your neighbors, and you might not want to see their land either.  Here are some ideas for backyard privacy landscaping — making your property feel secluded, without building a wall!

Backyard Privacy Landscaping

Plantings are a beautiful and effective way to have a natural barrier for your property. If you choose the right plants for your land, you can subtly protect your privacy or block an ugly sight while still adding a nice touch to your garden; it won’t break the bank either.

Planting shrubs or small trees is a good start, just be careful not to get plants that grow too much, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time trimming your plants, especially so they don’t bother your neighbors. Evergreens are good for year-round blocking. They also allow cool air in during the summer but will stop too much cold air from coming in during the winter, lowering your need for heat inside during that time.

Hard structures are a more traditional form of separation for your property. When picking your form of barrier, make sure you choose one that matches the overall feel of the garden and one that will go well with your house. A simple screen or a fence and gate can do the trick, but you can’t just place it in front of the unsightly scene or around your garden and hope that it will solve the problem. If the screen or other separator isn’t placed into the backyard so that it blends in, it will look unprofessional and unattractive.

Additional Help

Choosing the right option for your backyard, purchasing it, and implementing it can be complicated and time-consuming. Using a professional is the easiest way to accomplish a sense of privacy while maintaining your garden’s beauty. By using TalkLocal, you will be connected with up to three landscaping contractors and designers in your area within minutes.