Posts Tagged ‘skylight’


Do It Yourself Skylight Install

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

Do It Yourself Skylight Install - Window Replacement

Installing a skylight in your home can brighten your space on a daily basis. This is an improvement to your home that can add value as well as aesthetic appeal to your property. By following this do it yourself skylight install guide, you may be able to install a skylight in your home on your own.

Do It Yourself Skylight Install

1. First, you will need to determine the location in your home where you want to place the skylight. Common areas for a skylight install include the kitchen, bathroom, and family room.

2. Next, you will need to determine if you want to install a curb-mounted skylight or a frame-in-place model. A frame-in-place model is installed using L-shaped brackets while a curb-mounted model is mounted in an elevated position over the frame of the roof.

3. After selecting the right window for your needs, consider the placement of the skylight and of the light shaft carefully. Ideally, you will choose a location for the light shaft that falls between the ceiling joists and that does not require the joists to be cut. These windows are designed to minimize the need for cutting into joists, so a simple adjustment in the placement of the window may eliminate the need to cut into the joists. Framing the light shaft and window will require more effort if you do cut a ceiling joist. Keep in mind that the light shaft can be angled or vertical depending on the style that is suitable for your home.

4. The appropriate skylight framing assembly for the type of window that you have selected will need to be installed into your roof, and the light shaft will need to be framed with lumber.

5. To finalize the installation, the window will need to be carefully installed into the framing and sealed, and drywall will need to be installed in the light shaft.

Or Just Have A Professional Handle It

While you can enjoy considerable benefits from your new skylight, including improved ambiance and added value to your home, this is typically a project that you want to leave to a professional. If you would like to learn more about how a professional can install a skylight in one or more rooms in your home, just use TalkLocal. We will connect you with the right professional in just minutes.