Trellis Fencing Ideas

Trellis Fencing Ideas - Landscapers

Trellis fences are small strips of wood that are nailed together to create lattice, which has many uses. Some people prefer to use trellis fences for decorative purposes, because they are not as strong or durable as traditional fences, and do not offer much in terms of privacy.

If you are in need of some trellis fencing ideas, consider these.

Privacy Hedge

While a trellis fence may not be able to provide much privacy alone, it can be a great structure for plants and vines to grow on and around. If you can grow your plants thick enough, they can cover the holes in the trellis and create a privacy hedge that looks natural, yet neat and tidy.

Contained Garden

If you are limited in gardening space and want to keep your plants from taking over your whole yard, you may want to use a trellis fence to help contain them.

Add the trellis to the borders of your garden and allow the plants and vines to grow on one side of it. Create a gate to enter the garden, and plant all of your flowers and plants inside the perimeter of the garden. A contained garden will help your yard look neat and clean, while still allowing you to enjoy a variety of garden plants.

Edging Around Decks

If you have a deck or porch that is built up, you may want to use the trellis fence to cover up the sides. The trellis will allow you to hide the underpinnings of the deck and anything that is stored under it. You can also plant flowers and vines around the trellis for a more decorative look. This is one of the most popular trellis fencing ideas.

Use Talk Local To Find Help

These trellis fencing ideas are perfect for any size yard or garden. Be creative, and think of new ways to use your trellis to make your home and yard look good.

If you need professionals to help put your vision into action, visit TalkLocal to be connected with one in your area. Our service is fast, easy, and free!

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