To maintain clean air in your house, the filters of your air conditioning unit need to be replaced or cleaned periodically. Over time, filters get clogged and lose their ability to absorb dust and other particles, including bacteria, which fill the air. If the filters don’t work properly, they fail to stop the dust and other potentially harmful particles from being re-circulated into the air. So instead of helping and maintaining a clean atmosphere inside your house, dirty filters can cause various health issues.
How Can You Maintain Clean Air in Your Home?
Of all the types of air conditioner filters, electronic filters are considered to provide enhanced indoor air quality. They can increase the performance of your air-conditioning system by pre-filtering the contaminants and allergens in your house.
How Do They Work?
Innovative technology has brought new types of air conditioner filters. Electronic filters are designed to follow the latest standard in the industry. What’s the principle behind this equipment? Simply put, electronic filters act as a pre-filter, which traps dust and dirt particles in the air. The particles that manage to escape from the pre-filter get an electric charge and are then captured by the plates of the electronic filter. This way, most micro particles in the air are absorbed by the filter, and the air is cleaned.
How Many Types of Electronic Filters Are There?
There are two types of electronic filters: one is the charged media filter, and the other is the electrostatic precipitator. The former uses electrically charged fibers to isolate the unwanted particles in the air, while the latter collects dust and pollutants with the help of charged plates. The filter called electrostatic precipitator is more efficient because it has a higher voltage.
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