Basic Tools Needed For Painting Walls

Basic Tools Needed For Painting Walls - Painters

The basic tools needed for painting walls are essential for a durable and flawless paint job. With these basic tools, you will be your own professional painter!

Drop Cloths

First, you will need to cover the area to prevent paint from spilling and damaging your floor, furniture, fixtures, and other objects. Lay down several drop cloths to protect the area. Also, use painter’s tape to cover the edges of any outlets, chair rails (or dado rails), window frames, and doorframes. Even if you’ve cleared the room of furniture, you will want to cover the floor.

Prep Tools

You will need to prepare your walls to be painted. This means removing any paint or wallpaper and repairing any cracks or imperfections. You will need a scraper, sandpaper, and caulk to seal any cracks.

Paint Rollers

You will need to use 1/2- to 3/4-inch paint rollers to paint your walls. Rollers will allow you to paint more surface area in a shorter amount of time. Although it may be tempting the purchase the cheapest roller, you could end up paying a higher price. Cheap rollers will give you less even coverage, more dripping, and might leave traces of lint on your wall.

In addition to a roller, you should purchase a rolling pan and a roller screen. The rolling pan will give you easy access to the paint. The screen will press the paint into the roller, which will prevent dripping.

Roller Frames and Roller Pole

You will also need two roller frames, especially if you are painting your walls more than one color. If you use only one roller frame, then make sure you wash it between colors. The different roller frames will prevent the paint on rollers from mixing.

Roller poles are perfect for reaching higher areas on the walls without using a wobbly ladder. Although you will eventually need a ladder in order to perfect the wall and ceiling edges, the roller pole gives you more flexibility by allowing you to reach higher up.


A  2-1/2 to 3-inch paintbrush is ideal for painting around door frames, window frames, wall-to-ceiling edges, and around any fixtures. A high-quality brush with flexible bristles that are firmly intact is the best brush to work with for painting walls. Use a separate brush for different colors and primer.


A sturdy ladder will help you reach the ceiling edge at the top of the wall and any other higher areas on your wall. Be careful when using a ladder! Make sure to keep it on a flat, level surface.

Professional Help

If you are looking for a professional painter, look no further! TalkLocal can help connect you with up to three, high-quality painting professionals in your area, for free!

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