Mount New Mailbox

Mount New Mailbox - Handyman

Mailboxes serve a practical purpose and influence the curb appeal of any home. This is precisely why they should be carefully installed by homeowners. Do you want to mount a new mailbox on your own? In this case, check out the following guidelines to simplify your task.

Check out the mailbox guidelines offered by the United States Postal Service

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has a very specific set of rules and recommendations that you should follow, if you plan to replace your old, deteriorated mailbox with a newer model. First, you should know that there are two main types of mailboxes: wall-mounted ones and post (or roadside) mailboxes.

The USPS advises homeowners to position their roadside mailboxes up to 45” off the ground, to enable the carrier to deliver mail easily without having to get out of their trucks. Wall-mounted mailboxes should be placed up to 4’ off the ground, to ensure easy access from your steps or sidewalk.

Getting Started

If you want to install a post mailbox, follow these simple steps.

1)   Contact your utility company to make sure that you won’t start digging in an area where electrical wires or plumbing pipes are buried.

2)   Dig a 1-foot deep hole.

3)   Maintain your post in a straight position using two wood stakes and string and then fill the cavity with a concrete mix and let it dry, then remove the string and the two stakes.

4)   Attach your new mailbox by simply following the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you plan to install a wall-mounted mailbox, start by identifying the perfect spot for it. Remember that the new mailbox should be positioned in the center area of your wall. Use a level to install it in the correct position. Afterwards, mount it on your wall by using a screwdriver. The whole process is simple and hassle-free.

3)      Ask an Expert

Can’t mount the new mailbox on your own? If so, choose to hire a competent handyman. Find the best ones in your area by consulting TalkLocal, your #1 specialist when it comes to identifying A-list professionals who operate in your proximity.

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