Archive for the ‘Locksmiths’ Category


How to Profit From Hassle-free Deadbolt Lock Install

Friday, August 16th, 2013

How to Profit From Hassle-free Deadbolt Lock Install - Locksmiths

If you want to feel comfortable and 100% safe on your own property at all times, it is advisable to rely on a few simple, cost-effective preventive measures, allowing you to attain peace of mind knowing that your valuable assets and your loved ones are out of harm’s way. Want to purchase and install a new deadbolt lock on your door? In this case, you could opt for a DIY approach, or you could go for professional deadbolt lock install services ensured by a well-trained, experienced locksmith. Here are a few steps that you should follow in order to obtain more than satisfactory results.

How to Install a Deadbolt Lock with Basic Tools

1)    Analyze the template offered by your manufacturer to make things a bit easier for you. Secure the template on the door using masking tape.

2)    Start by measuring your door to determine the right position for your deadbolt lock (the lock should be installed approximately 6 or 7 inches above your door knob) and mark the spot with a pencil to avoid major mistakes.

3)    Dig a deep hole through your door using a spade bit and a hole saw.

4)    Use the same spade bit to make a hole in the edge of your door.

5)    Mortise the whole surface surrounding the door’s faceplate.

6)    Install the new bolt on your door using screws.

7)    Put the thumb lever and the door cylinder in place.

8)    Use a spade bit to create holes in your doorframe for the new deadbolt, mortise the surface, and then install, adjust, and secure the new striker plate using screws.

How to Find a Locksmith

Keep in mind that a locksmith can help you address a wide range of security issues in record time. You can conduct a DIY project only if you have the skills, the tools, the time, and the patience required to install a deadbolt lock on your own. In case you want to take the easy way out, it is recommended to count on professional deadbolt lock install services.

A competent, friendly, well-trained locksmith with years of hands-on experience can help you improve security measures in your own home by installing a new deadbolt lock in a cost- and time-effective manner. If you are interested in finding the best specialists in this line of work, consult TalkLocal, your trusted source of information. Always remember that basic services, like deadbolt lock install, for instance, are designed to make you feel protected 24/7 on your property, and represent an excellent investment in the long term.

How to Fix a Cut Deadbolt

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

How to Fix a Cut Deadbolt - Locksmiths

Deadbolts are a good way to ensure extra safety for your home. Because they restrict entry without the appropriate key, they add an extra layer of security from intruders trying to break in. However, if your deadbolt lock has been damaged, broken, or cut during a burglary attempt, it’s extremely important to have it fixed as soon as possible. A cut deadbolt can leave your home vulnerable, and hence, needs an immediate fix. The good thing is, with little instruction you can remove and replace your deadbolt yourself.

Removing a Cut Deadbolt

1. All you need to do is carefully unscrew the lock, as well as the thumb turn assembly, using a Phillips screwdriver counterclockwise. Note that you will find these screws on the inside of the door. Open the door and get the screws out.

2. You can now easily pull out the key assembly and the thumb turn assembly with your fingers. If it appears to resist, you could use the tip of the screwdriver to pry it out. Using your fingertips, pull the cut deadbolt and assembly out, detaching it from the front operating edge of the door. Once again, you could use the help of a screwdriver if necessary.

3. Brush out or blow away any debris from the door in the area from where the deadbolt has been removed. This will clean up space to facilitate replacement of the deadbolt.

Installing a New Deadbolt

1. To install a new deadbolt, first of all, take a good look at the manufacturer’s template that comes along with the lock. You can easily mark reference points on the door using this template. Make sure you do the markings for the deadbolt at least 6 inches above the doorknob.

2. The next step would be to use a hole-saw to cut out a hole for the deadbolt. It’s a good idea to finish the hole from the other side as well, as that prevents any splinters. Also, drill a hole through the edge of the door, where the bolt will go.

3. It’s now time to cut a mortise for the deadbolt. Trace an outline of the faceplate of the deadbolt and use a wooden chisel to mortise the area so that it is flush with the door.

4. You can now secure the deadbolt to the door after ensuring that the faceplate fits well in the mortise. This is the time you will also install the cylinder and the thumb plate in place.

5. Next, drill two overlapping holes to install the deadbolt, and drill pilot holes where you can secure the striker plate using screws. Your new deadbolt is now in place.

Get Professional Locksmiths to Replace Your Deadbolt

If you would like some professional help with repairing, removing, or replacing a cut deadbolt, TalkLocal can help you find the best professionals. We help narrow down a list of highly trained and experienced professionals suited to your job so that all you have to do is choose the one you want to work with, and we will connect you directly.

Replace a Remote Car Key

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

Replace a Remote Car Key - Locksmiths

When was the last time you used your key to unlock your car door? You know, the old-fashioned way, by actually inserting the key into the keyhole and turning. If you’re like most car owners, the answer may be years. We’ve grown accustomed to having the ability to lock and unlock our vehicle from the palm of our hand, and many of us even have the ability to perform other handy tasks like open the trunk or even start the car – all from our transponder key, or from a key fob.

But what happens if you lose that all-important remote, or if it gets damaged or simply stops working? Though you may fear that all is lost, don’t fret, because it’s easier than you may think to replace a remote car key.

First Thing’s First

The first thing you’ll need is the precise year, make, and model of your vehicle, along with your VIN. The best place to find this information is in the owner’s manual that came with your car, which should be in your glovebox – but if it isn’t, you can also find the VIN number on the dashboard just inside the front windshield and/or on a decal inside the driver’s side door frame.

Get to a Dealer

The next order of business will be to get yourself to a dealership that sells your make of car. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the one where you purchased your car, so if you’re out of town, you’re not out of luck. Provide the dealership with the year, make, model, and VIN of your vehicle and they will be able to help you replace a remote car key, for a fee usually ranging between $30-$50.


If you’re stranded without your car key remote, you’ll want to get yourself a locksmith. TalkLocal‘s free concierge service can help connect you to a professional in your area who is ready to help.

Repair Or Adjust Your Door Lock

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Repair Or Adjust Your Door Lock - Locksmiths

You rely on your locks to keep intruders out of your home, to protect your home while you are inside or away from the house, and more. Locks, however, can become damaged over time, and this can decrease how effective and useful they are for you. When your locks are damaged or broken, you may wonder how to adjust your door lock so that it works once again. Until you repair or adjust your door lock, you may not be able to use the door lock and enjoy the many benefits it can provide to you.

When the Lock Is Jammed

One option to consider with a lock that appears to be jammed or that sticks when you try to use it is to take the door lock apart.

1. Use a screw driver and try to remove the lock on your own.

2. Once it has been removed, spray the lock with machine oil or grease to lubricate the parts.

3. Then, reinstall the door lock to your door. This may correct the issue.

When the Lock Won’t Latch

Over time, a lock may fail to latch properly. This can be caused by a number of different issues, including natural settling of your home’s foundation, moisture that has changed the size or shape of the door frame or door, or the addition of a door stop or other features that have adjusted the natural alignment of the door.

If you need to readjust your door lock to account for a lock that will not latch, you should carefully inspect the door. If the door appears to be sitting unevenly in the frame or appears to be misaligned, adjusting the actual door rather than the latch may be a suitable option. Sometimes, simply tightening the screws in the door hinges will correct the problem.

If you determine that adjusting the lock is a better option, you may need to adjust the strike plate. As you open and close the door, observe if the latch is striking the strike plate above or below where it needs to be striking it. You can easily remove the strike plate with a screwdriver, adjust the frame with a chisel as needed, and replace the strike plate to correct the issue.

When Professional Assistance is Needed

If these methods do not help you repair or adjust your door lock, you may need to contact a professional locksmith for assistance. Simply use TalkLocal to be connected with up to three professionals in your area who can help you out.

What Is A Transponder Key?

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

What Is A Transponder Key? - Locksmiths

Almost all car keys are transponder keys. They have buttons built into the key that lock or unlock your car, open your trunk, or set off the car alarm. Transponder keys ultimately reduce the risk of theft. So, what is a transponder key? Keep reading to find out!

What Is A Transponder Key?

A transponder key has two components: a transmitter and a responder. A small chip is placed inside your car key. Your vehicle can detect your key’s commands and when your key is in the ignition. This key is important for car safety, as it prevents your car from being hot-wired from someone without the appropriate key. A car will not start without its designated transponder key because the car cannot detect the transmitted low-frequency signal from the key. Even if you make a copy of the car key that does not have the corresponding low-frequency signal, the car will not start.

Transponder keys can also be used for gate openers and keyless entry systems, although they are more popularly used for cars. Some cars’ transponder keys do not even need to be placed in the ignition. As long as the key is within a certain distance of your vehicle, such as in your purse or pocket, the car will run. When the car detects the signal from the key, it starts. However, if the key is a certain distance away from the car, the car’s engine will turn off and the car will lock. Don’t forget to leave the house without your key!

What If I Lose My Transponder Key?

Car dealers usually give you two transponder keys just in case you lose one. If you lose your transponder key, contact your car dealer or a professional locksmith. TalkLocal will connect you directly with the best locksmiths in your local area in just minutes.

How To Defrost Locks

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

How To Defrost Locks - Locksmiths

It is never any fun to go to unlock your car or home door only to find that the lock is frozen. This scenario only seems to make a day go from bad to worse. Fortunately, there are some fairly easy and fast methods for how to defrost locks that do not necessarily require supplies from inside the house. Be sure to check that the lock is actually frozen and not just jammed.

Car Locks

Lighter: This may seem obvious, but if you have matches or a lighter handy, use them to heat up the metal of the key (carefully). Insert the key into the lock and wiggle it around very gently in order to unthaw all parts of the lock. Remember, when metal is warm, it is much more pliable, so be careful not to contort the key in a way that will render it useless.

Hand Sanitizer: While not everyone carries a lighter, many people are now carrying small bottles of hand sanitizer. If you cover the key in the sanitizer and place it in the lock, the alcohol will melt the ice on the inside. If you didn’t carry sanitizer before, you probably will now!

Home Locks

The previous two methods will work on the home lock as well, but if you have just arrived home, you have another asset you can use: your engine block.

A car’s engine will heat up and stay hot for quite a while, even in cold temperatures. Hold your key to the hot engine block and then use the warm key to unthaw the lock. Be careful, as the engine will be very hot and can easily burn you.

Arguably the simplest way to defrost locks is through utilizing lock deicer, which is generally sold at most supermarkets. These products are made for the sole purpose of breaking up ice that has developed and clung to the inside of locks. The product comes with a few step-by-step instructions printed on the packaging, making for very easy use.

You Can Always Use A Locksmith

If the lock still will not budge, it may be time to call in the professionals. Many locksmiths are available for 24-hour service. TalkLocal can help find a professional in your area who will know how to defrost locks quickly. We will connect you with the right professionals in minutes, and our service is absolutely free.

Master Key Auto Jigglers

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Master Key Auto Jigglers - Locksmiths

Auto jigglers, also know as tryout keys, are required tools for locksmiths and auto dealers. They are lock picks for cars. These master key auto jigglers can be used on almost any vehicle, and even padlocks. They are the key to (some of) your car problems!

How Do Master Key Auto Jigglers Work?

The cuts on the auto jiggler keys are very similar to the contours of a variety of car keys. The master key auto jiggler works by inserting it into the car lock and literally jiggling it around until the car unlocks. A skilled locksmith should know the correct position and amount of jiggling required to unlock a car quickly.

Can I Start A Car With Auto Jigglers?

Yes, it is possible to turn on a car’s ignition with jiggler keys. However, modern vehicles usually operate with a transponder key that sends a signal to the car. The car detects the signal as the appropriate key and turns on. A few cars do not have a key; rather, they work with a remote that is not shaped like a standard key. This remote also carries a transponder chip which allows the car to detect it. Although auto jigglers can open these modern cars, the jiggler keys probably cannot start the car, since they are not equipped with this transponder chip.

Due to the widespread availability of auto jigglers, there is a high risk of car theft. Be careful where you park your car, especially if it is an old vehicle that does not operate with a transponder key.

Find A Professional Locksmith

If you are locked out of your vehicle, TalkLocal can connect you with the best local locksmiths. Simply enter our website and provide a brief description of your problem, availability for service, and location. We will connect you with up to three, highly qualified locksmiths in just minutes.

Use Graphite In Locks

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Use Graphite In Locks - Locksmiths

If you have a lock that is giving you trouble, you may need to lubricate it.

Graphite is one of the traditional materials used for lubricating locks. You can use graphite in locks by spraying or pouring it into the keyhole. There are numerous companies that make graphite application devices which make it easy for you to apply the lubricant to your locks.

If you do not have any of these things on hand and need to lubricate your lock quickly, you can also use a graphite pencil.

1. Take the lead out of the pencil. If you have a mechanical pencil, you can simply pump it until all of the lead pieces are out. If you have a traditional wooden pencil, you will need to use a razor blade or a knife to remove the wood around the graphite.

2. Place the graphite into the keyhole. It is okay if it breaks off while you are trying to insert it, because it will be ground up anyways. When you use graphite in locks, the point is to create a fine powder that can be spread throughout the lock. Before you can do that, you have to get it in the lock.

3. Insert the key into the lock and slide it in and out. This will crush up the graphite and allow it to lubricate the lock. If the key will not go in because of the graphite, you will need to force it in. This will not break your lock, it will only break up the graphite.

4. Try the lock to see if it seems to turn easier. You can use more graphite if needed to keep it lubricated.

It is easy to use graphite in locks to help lubricate them. It is also inexpensive. The next time you have a lock that won’t turn, just grab a pencil and start grinding up that graphite.

Or, Call A Locksmith

Professional locksmiths can remedy a lot of your issues seemingly in the blink of an eye. But, first, you need to find one.

Rely on TalkLocal for that task. Our concierge service gets you on the phone with numerous local professionals who can address your needs. Our service is free and effective.

Pick Car Door Locks

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Pick Car Door Locks - Locksmiths

If you have ever lost your keys or accidentally locked them in your car, you know how frustrating it can be to pay and wait for a locksmith. If you want to avoid such a scenario, you can learn to pick car door locks yourself.

Not everyone can master lock picking, and it takes a lot of patience and practice to get it right. Here is how you can learn to do it yourself. Only resort to such measures if it is an emergency. It’s not something you want to make a habit of.

How To Pick Car Door Locks

1. Purchase a slim jim from your local auto parts store or order one online. This tool will help you pick your lock and is necessary if you are going to pick car door locks yourself.

2. Slide the slim jim between the window and the door. Be careful not to break the window glass as you do this. You can set a rag or piece of clothe between the slim jim and the glass to serve as a buffer.

3. Gently move the slim jim along the window track until you feel it touch a lever. This lever controls the locks.

4. Slowly pull up on the slim jim and allow it to catch on the lock lever. It may take several tries before you can actually hook the lever and pull it up with your tool. Keep trying until you get it.

5. Pull the slim jim out from the window opening. Again, be very careful not to hook the glass or break it.

If you want to pick car door locks, you need the right tools and technique. If you are unable to pick the lock yourself, contact a locksmith or roadside assistance. Always use caution when trying to pick your car locks because you can easily damage your doors or windows. You may also get the attention of car thieves, who may see your car as an easy target in the future.

Use Talk Local To Find Locksmiths

TalkLocal can connect you with a number of locksmiths right in your local area who are capable of helping in a pinch. Visit our website and submit an inquiry. We take care of the rest.

Cost Of Having A Key Made

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

Cost Of Having A Key Made - Locksmiths

If you are in need of an extra key, or have lost the keys to your home, automobile or lock, you may have to have a key made. In most situations, having a quality key made is a fairly simple and inexpensive process.

Many retail stores and locksmiths can make you a key in no time and only charge a small fee to do it. Some situations call for more work and therefore, cost more money. Before you decide to inquire about locksmith or key making services, you may want to know the average cost of having a key made.

Basic Keys: If you need a basic door key or car key copied, a locksmith or store employee can assist you. These basic keys usually cost less than three dollars a piece. These can be made by a locksmith or an employee at a local hardware store who knows how to operate automatic key-making equipment. Some stores offer customers access to do-it-yourself machines, too.

Specialized Keys: Keys that are used to open safes, luggage, diaries, or jewelry boxes usually cost around four dollars. If you want extra keys for these types of locks, you can easily find them. If you lose your keys often, you may want to consider buying the extras.

High-Security Keys: Keys for high-security locks tend to be some of the most expensive keys to have made. They can cost anywhere between $10 and $20 and require a skilled locksmith who has had the proper training to make them. These types of keys require precise cutting and can only be made by a professional.

Certain Car Keys: Car keys which contain electronic chips can be expensive to copy or have made. Usually the car manufacturer will ask to have the key sent to their nearest factory and copy the key there. Some auto parts stores may be able to make car keys with electronic chips as well. Be prepared to pay up to a couple hundred dollars to have one of these keys made.

The cost of having a key made can vary depending on the type of key you need. The best way to avoid spending a lot of money on key copies is to protect your extra keys and keep them in a safe place at all times.

Find Local Locksmiths

If you find yourself locked out of your home or car, or you need a replacement key, don’t waste time leafing through a phonebook for help. Hop on to TalkLocal and submit an inquiry. Someone who can help will give you a call in a matter of minutes.