Archive for the ‘Maid Services’ Category


How to Remove Household Mold

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

How to Remove Household Mold - Maid Services

Mold appears in almost every house. If there’s mold in your home, the important thing to do is to stop it before it spreads and harms your household. Here are some tips to safely remove household mold:

Reduce Moisture          

Decrease the moisture level in your home. Since mold needs water or moisture to form, this is the most crucial step in controlling mold growth. Dry out the affected room or your entire house using a fan or dehumidifier.  If you discover a leaky pipe or other moisture/water problem in your home, fix it as soon as possible to control and prevent mold growth in the future.

Look for Mold

Many types of mold love dark places so they can easily grow in hidden areas in your home, such as behind drywall or wallpapers, under the carpet padding, or in ceiling tiles. You are very likely to have a mold problem in these areas if your home has been seriously flooded. In this case you will have to tear out the water-damaged material or surface to reveal the mold growth.

Remove Moldy Porous Materials

Porous items can hold mold spores and become a persistent source of food for mold. Therefore, any porous item that has been wet or damp for more than a couple of days or has visible mold should be thrown away. It’s probably too late to remove household mold from these items. Such items include carpet, carpet padding, flooring material, ceiling tiles, mattresses, rugs, upholstery, wallpaper, insulation, clothing, soft plastic and paper.

Moldy drywall should also be removed since it is impossible to remove household mold from drywall just by cleaning the surface. Once the drywall has been removed, let the exposed materials and studs dry completely.

You can clean the studs with a bleach solution or with a product that has quaternary ammonium compounds or aluminum hydroxide.

Always wear protective gear when cleaning and remember to dry the area completely after you’ve finished the wet work.

Mold on Wood Floors

Wooden floors displaying visible mold should be sanded down. However, do not attempt this task, because you can easily inhale toxic mold spores during sanding. Call a trained mold removal professional for this job.

Mold on Cleanable Materials

Some surfaces that get moldy can be cleaned, such as concrete, hard tiles, hard plastic, metal, and glazed ceramics. To remove household mold from these surfaces, wash them with detergent using hot water and a stiff brush.

If you decide to use bleach and other disinfectants, remember never to mix ammonia and bleach because the combination of chemicals will produce toxic fumes. Always dilute bleach in water before using (1:10 ratio) and wear protective gear.

Need Cleaning Help?

While you can easily remove household mold from small areas with basic cleaning products, always call a professional to deal with extensive mold growth. TalkLocal can quickly find mold experts to help you. Contact us now!

How to Get Smoke Smell Out of House

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

How to Get Smoke Smell Out of House - Maid Services

The smell of smoke in the house is unpleasant to those residing in the house as well as to guests. It’s not that easy to get smoke smell out of house because it tends to get absorbed by carpets and soft furnishings. Thankfully, there is help that can be found and things you can do to eliminate the smell of smoke from your home. A big part of it is about keeping your house clean. A clean home will harbor fewer unpleasant odors.

1. Remove Cloth and Linen

Remove all the linens and cloths in the house. Open the windows to allow fresh air to enter. Wash and launder all your cloth and linen thoroughly. They may retain the smell of smoke if you don’t.

Also check your carpet. If it smells strongly of smoke, consider having it replaced or thoroughly cleaned. You may need to hire a professional carpet cleaner. Make sure you use safe cleaning products throughout.

2. Clean Household Surfaces

Clean floors, ceilings, and windows with a mixture of water and bleach. You will need a mixture of white vinegar and water to clean wood, metal, and plastic surfaces. This will get rid of the smell of smoke entirely. Sprinkle baking soda on your fabric-covered furniture to get rid of the smell faster.

3. Repaint and Deodorize

If the smell of smoke is really strong, you may consider repainting your house completely to remove the smell. After repainting, use a deodorizing spray to remove the smell of the smoke completely.

You may also opt to buy an air purifier so that the air becomes fresher and the smell is gone for good.

Need Professional Help?

Contact TalkLocal today and let us help you find cleaning services near you! We can help you find cleaners within minutes of placing your call.

Creosote Sweeping Log

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Creosote Sweeping Log - Maid Services

Numerous companies have launched different types of creosote sweeping logs on the market, allowing homeowners to eliminate potentially dangerous creosote buildups on their own, and keep their fireplaces clean for a longer period of time. How do these products work, and why is it recommended to utilize a creosote sweeping log in the first place?

Keep reading to discover the most accurate answers to these questions and find out how you could easily spot competent providers of first-class maid services in your own area.

What is a Creosote Sweeping Log?

In a few words, a creosote sweeping log represents one of the most convenient fireplace cleaning solutions currently available on the market. This product burns just like a natural fireplace log, but it also reduces creosote buildups in a considerable manner. It is great for both woodstoves and fireplaces, and it does not pose any risks, as it is 100% non-toxic.

Why Are Creosote Sweeping Logs So Effective?

When it comes to manufacturing creosote sweeping logs, each company follows a secret recipe and opts for a unique mix of chemicals combined to eliminate creosote accumulations. However, some of the most common ingredients are trisodium phosphate (TSP), potassium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate.

A creosote sweeping log enables you to get rid of those pesky creosote buildups fast and effortlessly while you spend quality time by the fire with your loved ones. Despite the fact that this modern creosote removal solution will always provide more-than-satisfactory results in no time, it shouldn’t be considered a substitute for professional fireplace inspections and cleaning services.

When Should I Ask for Help?

Never try to burn a creosote sweeping log if you think that your chimney is partially blocked by large amounts of debris or by massive objects, or if it displays obvious signs of structural damage. In this case, it is advisable to rely on expert help, offered by a great provider of cleaning services. Find the best ones by consulting TalkLocal, a free service introduced to connect you with trustworthy specialists who have the shortest, most convenient answers to all of your daily problems.

Five Basic Pool Cleaning Tips for Homeowners

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

Five Basic Pool Cleaning Tips for Homeowners - Maid Services

It’s nice to have a pool installed in your yard, but maintaining it does require work. It doesn’t have to be terribly burdensome with these quick and easy pool cleaning tips:

1. Skim the surface of the pool every couple of days or so using a long-handled hand or leaf skimmer. Skimming off leaves and other debris is one of the simplest ways to keep a swimming pool clean and help it circulate more efficiently. Also, make sure to clean out your pool’s strainer basket weekly to remove any debris that skimming may have missed.

2. Vacuum your pool every week to keep the water clear. Vacuuming is very important to remove dirt and algae. Every time you vacuum, check the filter and clean as needed.

3. Brush the pool walls and tiles to reduce the buildup of algae and calcium deposits. This is one of the pool cleaning tips that should also be done once per week. Use tools suitable for what your pool tiles and walls are made of. For instance, use a stiff brush for plaster pool walls and softer type of brush for fiberglass or vinyl pool walls. Avoid using stiff brushes to clean tiles so as not to scratch them.

4. Clean the pool filter only when necessary. If there is some mild dirt in the filter, it may actually help catch other particles. On the other hand, you don’t want the filter to get too dirty. A good way to tell if it’s time to clean the filter is to follow this general rule: First, with the filter clean, take a reading off the pool’s pressure gauge. Take note of the value, and when it rises to around 10 pounds psi, then clean the filter.

5. Test the pool water’s pH level regularly to ensure its cleanliness. The ideal pH level is between 7.2-7.8, which is safe for swimming. Various test kits are available, which can be easily used by homeowners.

Leave It to the Professionals

Of course, you can save a lot of time and energy doing all of these pool cleaning tips by yourself if you hire a professional cleaning service periodically to take care of the hard and time-consuming stuff. Contact TalkLocal now and we’ll connect you with the right pros in minutes!

Dirty Fireplace Hazards

Monday, October 14th, 2013

Dirty Fireplace Hazards - Maid Services

These days, homeowners have the chance to invest in extremely beautiful, modern, durable fireplaces manufactured using a wide range of premium materials, including cast iron, granite, sandstone, and marble. Before purchasing such a product, you should be fully aware of the fact that all types of fireplaces require a mandatory maintenance routine. Homeowners who, for some reason or another, fail to clean their fireplaces properly expose themselves to significant safety risks. Keep reading to discover useful information on dirty fireplace hazards and tips on how to prevent them.

Things You Should Know About Dirty Fireplace Hazards

Recent studies indicate that approximately 36% of all home fires are triggered by a defective heat source, including chimneys. When wood is burned in your fireplace, it gradually turns into ash. Creosote buildups usually appear on both sides of your chimney, especially when you burn unseasoned wood or low-quality logs.

In such cases, you have to remove these highly flammable buildups on your own, or by relying on professional maid services, to avoid dirty fireplace hazards. In order to prevent home fires, you have to keep your fireplace clean and dust-, dirt- and debris-free at all times.

Another common risk factor responsible for many fire deaths is carbon monoxide, also known as “the silent killer.” Large objects that might land inside your chimney or a significant amount of debris could easily block it, redirecting the fumes inside your home instead of releasing them outside. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious threat that could be easily annihilated by simply cleaning your chimney regularly and eliminating potential blockages impacting its functionality.

Get Help Today

To avoid dirty fireplace hazards, it is highly recommended that you keep your chimney and your fireplace clean and address potential problems in a timely manner. When in doubt, it is advisable to rely on expert guidance ensured by a trustworthy provider of premium maid services. Find the best ones with help from TalkLocal, a free service introduced to put you in contact with respectable professionals from different sectors, working around the clock to keep you satisfied.

Clean Sandstone Fireplace

Friday, October 11th, 2013

Clean Sandstone Fireplace - Maid Services

Like it or not, homeowners have to invest a great deal of time and money in mandatory maintenance routines performed to eliminate safety hazards, prolong the lifespan of their appliances and turn their properties into clean, 100% safe, welcoming environments. Some of them opt for maid services, while others choose to take this matter into their own hands and conduct DIY projects regularly.

However, the messiest, most complex assignments always require expert guidance, lots of patience and a special set of tools. How can you clean sandstone fireplace on your own, without relying on professional services to get the job done? Keep reading to find out.

How to get started

First of all, make sure you have all the right tools and cleaning products required by this task.

1. You will need a high-quality chemical cleaner, preferably Trisodium Phosphate (TSP). Be careful when you use this substance, because TSP is a very powerful chemical that shouldn’t get in direct contact with your skin or your eyes. Minimize safety risks by wearing goggles and resistant rubber gloves.

2. Use a bucket to prepare the special cleaning solution: Dissolve ½ cup of Trisodium Phosphate into three quarts of warm, clean water. In order to obtain flawless results, you will need to utilize 2 buckets filled with this highly efficient cleaning solution, 2 clean soft cloths, and a brush.

3. The process is relatively simple; all you have to do is scrub your fireplace using the special mix applied on the brush until you eliminate all the dirt and dust accumulations.

4. After completing this first phase, use one of the soft cloths soaked with clean water to clean sandstone fireplace, and complete the job by wiping dry the entire area, using the second cloth.

Take a few simple measures of precaution to avoid major risks

Always remember that TSP is a powerful chemical compound that should be handled with maximum care. Evacuate all children and pets before using a cleaning solution based on TSP to clean sandstone fireplace. Moreover, keep your windows open until you’re done, to ensure proper ventilation and eliminate poisoning risks.

Count on expert help

If you don’t want to clean your sandstone fireplace on your own, you don’t have to! Not when you could easily rely on great maid services designed to simplify your daily life. Spot the very best ones with help from TalkLocal, your trusted source of information, connecting you directly with skilled professionals in your area.

Clean Fireplace Brick

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Clean Fireplace Brick - Maid Services

Lots of homeowners choose to spend their spare time in cozy environments, enjoying the warmth, the discreet light and the elevated level of comfort provided by a fireplace. However, every once in a while, all fully functional fireplaces, regardless of their design, structure, size, and shape, should be thoroughly cleaned to avoid fire hazards.

Keep reading to find out how to clean fireplace brick fast and effortlessly on your own, and how to identify the very best maid services, in case you want to let professional workers do the heavy lifting… or cleaning.

Gather all of the essential tools and get started

You will need a durable, resistant scrub brush, one bucket filled with hot water, modeling dough for kids, baking soda, and trisodium phosphate (TSP). Also, choose to invest in a first-class fireplace brick cleaning solution, if you are dealing with difficult stains.

Follow a few simple steps to obtain flawless results

You don’t need a lot of experience, remarkable skills, or special tools to clean fireplace brick. The cleaning process is actually quite simple, as long as you rely on basic equipment and you follow a few simple steps.

1. First, use a brush soaked in water to scrub the bricks and eliminate all grime and dirt accumulations.

2. Take a closer look at all remaining stains and eliminate soot particles by applying modeling dough on the surface that you’re trying to clean.

3. Gently peel it off after a few minutes and evaluate the result.

4. If you’re still far from eliminating the toughest stains, prepare of mix of water and baking soda, and generously apply it on the dirty spots.

5. Leave it there for a few minutes and then rinse the whole area with a sufficient amount of clean, hot water.

6. Residual stains can be removed using TSP, but before applying this powerful chemical, make sure to ventilate the whole room and wear goggles and gloves.

7. Rinse one more time and start analyzing every single brick.

8. If some of them still don’t look clean, scrub them with a brush soaked in commercial cleaner for fireplace bricks, dissolved in water, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

9. Rinse one last time and let the whole area air dry. In the end, there shouldn’t be any stains left on your fireplace bricks.

Ask an expert

Don’t have the time, the patience, the equipment, or the skills required to clean fireplace brick on your own? In this case, it shouldn’t be difficult to find qualified professionals who could easily complete this project in a cost- and time-effective manner. Spot the best professionals by consulting TalkLocal, your one and only source of information allowing you to save time and money while meeting trustworthy specialists living and working in your area.

Best Hand Vacuums

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

Best Hand Vacuums - Maid Services

These days, most homeowners have very little spare time on their hands and refuse to dedicate it entirely to completing exhausting household maintenance assignments. This is one of the reasons why they are constantly looking for inexpensive, energy-efficient, and highly convenient devices designed to make their lives a whole lot easier.

When it comes to cleaning every single room of your house thoroughly, you definitely need to rely on the best hand vacuums your money can buy. Want to identify the most remarkable products currently available on the market? Keep reading to make an informed decision.

The general advantages of the best handheld vacuums

Portable and easy to use: Cordless handheld vacuums will help you clean any kind of mess, even small dirt particles located in hard-to-reach areas. These items are portable, lightweight, and easy to use and will help you eliminate a wide range of impurities in record time. Some of them will even remove wet spills.

Convenient: Modern, energy-efficient hand vacuums will turn even the most complex housekeeping task into child’s play. Since numerous models have been launched by reputable brands over the past few years, now you can find truly effective devices carrying rather insignificant price tags. If you are interested in finding real energy savers, the AccuCharge from Devil Dirt could be one of the best candidates for this job.

Versatile: Now you can easily find a generous selection of the best hand vacuums introduced on the market by top-rated manufacturers. These objects enable you to keep your house and your car clean at all times with minimal effort.

Easy storage: Another great thing about tiny hand vacuums is that you can easily store them even in the smallest corners, as they do not occupy a lot of space. For instance, the Black & Decker gets bonus points for its sleek design, allowing the owner to fold the device in half after the housekeeping work is done.

The general disadvantages of the best hand vacuums

Even some of the most sophisticated hand vacuums have their fair share of disadvantages. For instance, if you were to compare the Dyson DC34 to different other models listed in the same category, you would notice that it is relatively expensive (priced at approximately $200), has a reduced battery life, and is rather difficult to use, since it is not 100% ergonomic.

Ask an expert

Don’t know which handheld vacuum is more appropriate for your household maintenance needs? Would you rather hire someone to take care of regular housekeeping routines? In this case, count on TalkLocal, your trusted source of information, to find reliable housekeeping professionals in your own area, in just minutes.

Clean Concrete Fireplace

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Clean Concrete Fireplace - Maid Services

A concrete fireplace is a great amenity designed to enchant the eye and ensure a superior level of comfort in various types of indoor spaces. Unfortunately, it requires a mandatory, meticulous maintenance routine that homeowners should perform more than a couple of times during the cold season. You could complete this assignment on your own, or by relying on professional maid services. Here are a few things you should know, in order to clean concrete fireplace fast and effectively.

1) Get your hands on the most suitable tools and cleaning products

Start by purchasing the right tools and cleaning products for this job. You’ll need:

– a handheld broom

– two buckets

– a pair of rubber gloves

– a dustpan

– hot water

– a scrub brush

– quality dish soap

– and an oxygen bleach cleaning solution for the most stubborn dirt particles

After gathering all of these essential tools and products, fill the buckets with hot water and get to work.

2) Follow a few simple steps to clean your concrete fireplace

1. First of all, you should use the handheld broom to gather and eliminate all loose fragments of debris and dirt from your concrete fireplace.

2. Afterward, fill one bucket with hot water, dissolve 8-10 drops of mild, high-quality dish soap in it and fill the other bucket with clean water.

3. You will be using the water from the last bucket to rinse the entire surface after removing all of the impurities. Using a resistant scrub brush soaked in soapy water, clean the fireplace mantel.

4. Next, remove the soapy water by wiping down the area with a clean rag, dipped in clean water.

5. If you’re dealing with stubborn dirt or debris particles, annihilate them by utilizing an oxygen bleach-based cleaning product.

6. Simply apply it on the tough stain and remember to use rubber gloves during the entire cleaning process.

7. Use a sponge to distribute it evenly.

8. Let the cleaning product act for 10 to 15 minutes; then scrub the surface one more time using your scrub brush.

9. Rinse the whole area and let the concrete fireplace air-dry.

3) Ask for help

Want to clean concrete fireplace fast and effectively? You could either opt for a DIY project, or you could simplify your life and invest your spare time in much more exciting projects by simply counting on exceptional maid services. Identify the most remarkable ones available in your area by simply consulting TalkLocal, your direct connection to the most qualified professionals in your area.

Clean Cast Iron Fireplace

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Clean Cast Iron Fireplace - Maid Services

If you want to turn your home into a cozy, welcoming environment, you could always choose to purchase and install a solid, durable, appealing fireplace. Such amenities made from marble, granite, cement and sandstone are very popular these days, but the cast iron fireplace seems to attract a larger number of buyers who are looking for fashionable, antique-looking, Edwardian decorative elements.

Before making a final decision, think about the fact that keeping a cast iron fireplace in excellent condition requires lots of time, effort, and a strict maintenance routine. Keep reading to find out how to clean cast iron fireplace on your own, and remember that you can always count on professional help if for one reason or another you are unable to complete this particular DIY project.

Getting Started

You may be able to clean marble, granite, cement, and sandstone fireplaces by simply wiping them with a clean cloth and a mix of dish soap and water, but don’t even think about following the same path when it comes to removing dirt, soot, and debris accumulations from a cast iron fireplace, as you could reduce its lifespan by making it rust. Cast iron retains water and rusts very easily.

Eliminate all loose impurities using a handheld broom, and then remove the smallest particles of dirt by polishing the metal. For this special task, you will need a metal polish or some high-quality steel wool and special oil applied to lubricate the surface and ensure a higher level of protection against corrosion. As a final step, remember to use a microfiber (lint-free) cloth to wipe the entire surface in order to obtain a fantastic, shiny finish.

How to Eliminate Stubborn Particles of Dirt

Are you dealing with small particles that are virtually impossible to remove? In this case, apply this useful tip to clean cast iron fireplace and keep it looking like new for a longer period of time.

Use a soft cloth soaked with methylated spirit to remove even the tiniest, most rebellious dirt stains. Scrub the whole area until it is clean and dirt-free. It is recommended to vacuum up your cast iron fireplace at least once a week to simplify your maintenance routine.

Ask an Expert

Are you having a hard time trying to beautify and clean cast iron fireplace on your own? If so, don’t hesitate to contact a real professional offering you the very best maid services. Spot trustworthy specialists operating in your area by consulting TalkLocal, your #1 connection to the best professionals in your area.